Maturity? Don't See That a lot These Days...

By: Camille Wood

It's no surprise that most PV junior high students can be seen as extremely immature. From inappropriate jokes, curse words, disrespect, and immaturity during classes such as Health and Life Skills, there is never a dull moment in our interesting school. This can be proven by a recent survey I took of my peers and past experiences.

One question I asked was, how dirty minded do you think you are on a scale from 1 - 10? (1 being not very and 10 being very) Most results were 5 and up. This showed how students didn’t think purely, which can also be known as immature. Another way students have dirty minds is laughing at things that aren't exactly inappropriate but could be seen as inappropriate. Many people at the Junior High have also participated in a popular game where you say something inappropriate and try to keep getting louder until a teacher tells you to stop. Frequently in gym class and hallways students may scream these words when playing the game.

Apart from taking part in weird games, a major example of immature behavior at the school was last year when a student pulled the fire alarm. Everyone rushed outside thinking there was a real fire. However, a student had pulled an alarm near the gyms and there was no fire. Afterwards, the teachers did not know who had done the devious act and a cash reward was offered to anyone who had proof of who did it. Eventually the student was caught and known for wearing a suit for the rest of the school year.

Some other well known immature acts from this year were, vandalizing/ruining bathrooms, stealing teachers doorstops, cheating on tests, slapboxing, breaking things, and bullying students, which one class especially had difficulty in.

Overall, even with teacher authority and punishments, students are still engaging in questionable behavior. So next time you're strolling through the hallways at school look a little closer and you won’t believe your ears and eyes.

Immature behavior is for babies…

You really want to be acting like that?