Hallway Havoc

By: Camille Wood

Recently the Pleasant Valley Junior High has issued an order to all students: no leaving teachers rooms during class periods. It can be seen as a follow up rule after “no phones” came into effect. The phone rule made sense even with the backlash from students. However, no leaving the classroom can be seen as violating our human rights. Here's why.

Students often leave the classroom to go to the bathroom, but after the new rule this is not allowed. Science teacher, Mr. Braddock shares the 3 reasons he has to restrict us from going to the bathroom, “1, students are vandalizing the bathrooms. 2, students are vaping in bathrooms. 3, students are fighting in bathrooms” (Braddock). This makes sense but according to the United Nations since 2015 we have had the right to sanitation. It was made as a human right and is being violated when we aren't allowed to go to the bathroom. So, can the school actually do this? Also, why should some kids be locked out of bathrooms when they aren't participating in the devious activities? All of this is to be determined but looking at the facts shows students might have the right here.

Even with our 4 minute passing period students can’t make a stop at bathrooms. So will PV continue this rule or realize our rights?