Dress Code at PVJH

By: Anna Boens

**Disclaimer, I am not saying to break the dress code, I am just writing about what students think.**

Over the weekend there was an email sent out to parents. It included a reminder about the dress code because of the warm weather coming out. One part of the dress code it mentioned was that shirts have to cover backs, shoulders, and abdomen.

I focused on the shirt part of the dress code and sent out a google form asking if people are distracted from learning when people are wearing clothing that breaks the dress code. I sent the form out to students in my language arts class and got 14 anonymous responses.

On the form there were three questions asked. The first question was: Do you get distracted when you see someone's bare shoulder? And the answer options were yes and no. 100% of the students surveyed said no. The second question was: Does seeing people's backs distract you? and once again the answer options were yes and no. All 14 students continued to answer no. Finally the third question was: Does seeing people's abdomen distract you? the answer options were yes and no. Again 100% of the surveyed students answered no.

As you can see the students don't seem bothered by the things restricted by the dress code. Students don't seem to mind what their peers wear. They are still able to focus no matter what the students wear.