Yemeni Civil War

By: Ammar Bazara

“The world's worst humanitarian crisis” is what the United Nations has begun calling the Yemeni Civil War. Led by a Houthi insurgency, it has been going on for the past seven years with no apparent end in sight. The war has an estimated 400,000 deaths and has caused terror and suffering for the Yemeni people. So the question is when will it end? According to NPR, as an attempt to end the war the exiled Yemeni president was forced to step down by Saudi Arabia and the United Arab Emirates. The two countries instead put a presidential council they chose in charge of Yemen. Whether this will further increase violence or reduce it remains to be seen. The issue with Saudi and the Emirates is that they both are in the war for their own reasons instead of to help the Yemenis. The Guardian says, the UAE is fighting against Al-Qaeda and ISIS rather than the Houthi insurgency who are causing the problem. The UAE continues to do things like this by funding almost every side and using its own private military to take over whatever land it wants. It is hoped that the new presidential council will convince every side to become peaceful..