Should India Reinstate the Mughal Empire?

By: Ammar Bazaraa

Although India has the potential to be a superpower with its enormous population it is missing something important. Proper land. As the Mughal Empire they would be controlling Pakistan, Afghanistan, and Bangladesh. This land isn’t too large but it would be beneficial to the development of India and cementing itself as a global superpower. Even with the land it also has a huge amount of poverty that would need to be dealt with. India currently has a 2/3 poverty rate and ranks 94 out of 107th in the world for worst hunger issues. So even with the land they will not be able to sustain a proper government with all the editional population. This is not even considering that Pakistan and Indias tensions are extremely high and they almost always seem to be on the brink of war. WIth this in mind Pakistan would probably rebel and try to regain their hard earned land. This means that India's government controlling the Mughal empire would be terrible. But, historically the Mughal Empire was under Muslim rulership despite the majority Hindi population. So the Pakistani government would be the more accurate fit for controlling India, Afghanistan, and Bangladesh. Even if they do, the positions would just be switched in a futile situation. It is a losing outcome for all the sides. Except for maybe Bangladesh who could improve economically with literally any other countries' rulership. Although moving forward Bangladesh and Afghanistan have the best situations, they are now in a more peaceful state with new governments (Afghanistan being annexed by the Taliban very recently and Bangladesh seceding from Pakistan only 50 years ago making it a relatively new country). With their populations and land sizes it will be easier for them to climb up economically but until then maybe they should stay away from any unnecessary conflicts and a possible civil war in the hypothetical Mughal Empire.