Putin vs Musk

By: Amelia

On March 14, 2022, Elon Musk, the CEO of Tesla SpaceX, issued a challenge to Putin. He tweeted, "I hereby challenge Vladimir Putin to single combat, stakes are Ukraine". Soon after, Dimitry Rogozin, the head of the Russian space agency, Roscosmos, responded, "You, little devil, are still young, compete with me weakling. It would only be a waste of time”. Furthermore, Joe Rogan offered to help him train if he really fights Putin. Since then, there have been no new advancements on this topic.

Students around Pleasant Valley Junior High also have an opinion on this topic. When asked if she thought Elon Musk would win in a fight with Putin, student Hannah Highberger responded with, "I believe that Elon would win because he is younger, more athletic and bigger, and has more support". When asked, Qasim Hussain responded saying, "No, Putin is an ex-KGB officer". Another student, Chloe Kramer, agrees with Qasim saying that, "No, Putin is like a KGB assassin". Elon also sparked controversy online after he tweeted a meme stating, "I support the current thing". People are saying that the meme was tone deaf and insensitive, and some are now questioning if his challenge to Putin was for the right reasons.



