How Students Feel About Ted Talks

By: Alex Larsen

By the end of next week most students will have completed their ted talks. A select few students have already gotten their ted talks over with. General consensus about the ted talks is mixed. Some students are looking forward to the opportunity to share their opinions and stories. Others just view it as another public speaking assignment.

When speaking to Vrayas Pila he said this about Ted Talks, “Ted talks are not too bad. The hardest part is transitioning through topics in a natural way.” When asked to predict what grade he thought he was going to get he said A-.

Other students have a darker take on Ted Talks. When Atharva was asked about Ted Talks he said he wished we wouldn't do them. “I think the idea related to media is an interesting one but it might be difficult for me to illustrate my point so that others can understand.”

One trend that I think is apparent is that many students just don't have strong opinions on the Media. Most students will only go as in-depth as is required for a good grade if they are not engaged.

In this article it said, “Students who displayed engagement… were more likely to be academically successful, have passing grades throughout high school, and graduate on time.” This supports that the largest impact on performance on the upcoming Ted Talk will be the interest of the individual students.

It will be interesting to see the bulk of the projects next week. While some students may not care, Many students who have put a lot of effort into their projects are genuinely interested in their topics.