Why Sushi is a Great Meal

By: Alex Larson

Sushi is offered all over the world. While it originates from China, its influence has spread all over the world. There is a reason so many have decided to adopt this food. It has numerous health benefits. It also just tastes good. Sushi is a great dish that you should eat.

Sushi achieved western popularity in the mid 1960s. Some people believe sushi originated from Japan however it really came from Chinese rice fields. Then it spread to America after the end of WWII. In a survey people reported that 60% of the population regularly eats sushi. There is a reason that sushi has spread all over the world. And its popularity is because of its flavor and health.

Sushi is great for your health. The vegetables add plenty of fiber which is great for your digestive system. Seafood is known for Omega-3 fatty acid. Many people do not eat enough of this food and would benefit from eating sushi. Omega-3fatty acid can decrease your risk of heart attack and stroke.

Next time you are looking around for a meal, consider stopping for Sushi. It is a tasty food that can be found all over the world. It also has many health benefits to help you live longer. Sushi is a great meal that you should enjoy more often.