Carl Azuz And CNN 10

By: Alayna

Currently, students at Pleasant Valley Junior High are watching CNN 10 in their language arts classes. Even though the students have been watching CNN 10 for years, their opinions vary on whether it should be continued to be watched. Amelia Morgart states, “I think it is interesting. They might not share the most important news, but they share news”. Mau Sanchez declared, “I love it, it’s like a break. It’s the best part of my day”. Eighth grade teacher Mrs. Ward said, “I think that they do a good enough job breaking down the news and making it understandable for kids”. Connor Barnes chimed in by saying, “I think we should watch CNN 10 because it wastes class time”. On the other hand, Qasim Hussain stated, “I hate it. It doesn’t talk about Pakistan.” Alana Skaja responded emotionlessly, “I feel like it drains my soul.” Another eighth grade student said, “I hate it. I hate everything.”

There are many mixed emotions about CNN 10, but the deciding factor is definitely Carl Azuz. Jayla Bischoff said, “I think Carl is annoying and his jokes are terrible.” Juha Kim claimed, “I think Carl Azuz tries his best, but it’s not worth it.” Mrs. Ward stated, “I think he is really lame with bad jokes.” There are many different thoughts about the show itself, but Carl Azuz is a problem. His rhymes at the end of the show are almost as bad as his McDonald's hairline. For the sake of our eyes, and ears I don’t think that we should have to watch CNN 10 ever again.