Should Shakespeare Be Taught In Schools?

By: Alana Skaja

Should Shakespeare writing be a part of the English curriculum of schools? Yes, I believe it should be. I think there are plenty of things that should be left out of the curriculum being taught but overall I believe that his writing should be taught.

In my English class we didn’t just learn about the literature he produced but we were taught about him and his life and what happened to him. I searched and did lots of research on if learning about his life is beneficial for the English curriculums in schools and I didn’t find a single thing on how knowing about his life is a that will help us in our English classes.

So even though I am against learning about his life in my English class I do still think his writing should be taught. There was a study done at the University of Liverpool. The study showed that when kids with autism read Shakespeare it had a very positive effect on them. This shows only one of the many things that Shakespeare is good for and why it should keep being taught in schools. Another thing I found while reading other articles is that it helps you to extend your imagination and it can help you to understand the things that the world values today. These are just a few reasons why I believe Shakespeare should be a part of the English curriculum at schools.