Jacob Hawks Professional portfolio

COS Internship: Physical Therapy at Mountain View Therapy

The Colorado Department of Education defines "Professional" using the following descriptors:

  • time & work management

  • career literacy

  • grit and resilience

  • work ethic; dependable and reliable

My Personal Definition: professionalism is the most advanced level of a particular occupation. Professionalism is about optimizing performance and minimizing mistakes. This is done by hard work, being on time, being prepared, staying focused, and having a good attitude. Never have excuses and doing your job at the highest level possible is what professionalism is all about

Jacob Hawks - Reflective Essay #2.pdf

Reflective Essay


Final Resume

Future Pan & Career Statement

I aim to be the most hardworking and compassionate individual in the PT center. I always do my best to give what the patients need and my number one goal day in and day out is to get the patient to where they want to be. In doing this I preform certain exercises and techniques to the patient that optimize efficiency and get them back on there feet, to accomplish this goal I will attend CMU with a major in kinesiology

Personal Experience

Physical therapy is all about helping others, all of my life my family has taught me hard work and love for others. I've always been doing lots of odd end jobs and my family has always been at the top of my priorities


Career Q&A

My Movie 1.mov

Internship Overview

Goals I Set For Myself

  • Listening Skills: Soaking up every bit of information and wisdom that my supervisor gave me, trying to connect a deeper understanding of what was going on rater than just what was happening on the surface. For example, understanding the types of muscles that were being messaged rather than just saying "leg muscles" This helped a lot in my understanding.

  • Asking Questions: This was one of the most important parts in my experience at COS, knowing that you don't know all the answers and understanding that there is so much more to learn then just what was on the surface of the lesson. There were many things about the human body and the way it reacts to certain movements that it took many weeks for me to get the general basis. However without asking questions and getting extra help it would have taken much longer than this

  • Executing Tasks: In my time at COS there were many simple tasks that i had to execute in order to get the full experience of the job, for example working the tens units, understanding the proper layers of a ice pack with certain areas of the body, operating the ultrasounds, printing out at home workouts for patients, getting specific messaging tools, setting up machines such as the elliptical, etc... This was a big part of getting the full experience that I wanted to get from COS and throughout the year i really did get the full respect and trust of the staff.

Soft Skills I Focused On

  • teamwork

  • elaboration

  • problem solving

  • critical thinking

  • organization

  • punctuality

  • leadership

  • creativity

  • Listening

  • flexibility

  • time management

  • professionalism