Swank K12 Movie Streaming

Swank K12 Streaming (Movie Database)

Film List - Use the Filter Results feature to filter by Genre, Rating, Year, etc.

Not seeing the title you want? Browse HERE (Select Search bar at the top of page). We can add on other films to our collection.

For a spreadsheet with our complete 2023-2024 Hudson High School offerings and language availability, click HERE.

Not seeing a film you need? 

Faculty Directions for Accessing Films

Closed Captions / Audio Features

Showing Films and Copyright / Fair Use

As a district, we have access to Swank Movie Licensing USA. This provides our district with the ability to show films found on the Swank Movie database without copyright infringement. For details about what you can show and how you can show it, check out this guide. AT the high school level, we have access to Swank Movie Licensing USA and Swank K12 Streaming.