Supporting ELs with Accessing Content

Questions to ask when finding a text for a student:

  • What language does the student want / need access in?

  • What is their ability to read or understand in that language?

If there is a topic you will be covering and you need content at a lower reading level. I am happy to curate resources online as well as from the public library.

Accessing Non-Fiction Content

Encyclopaedia Britannica

All of these have the same content, just different interfaces that appeal to each age level. They include:

  • Translate feature for interface AND articles in lots of languages including Portuguese and Spanish,

  • Read Aloud feature (English only),

  • Ability to share articles directly to Classroom (English only)

Britannica School (Elementary edition)

Britannica School (Middle School edition)

Britannica School (High School edition)

Britannica: Read Aloud and Translate Features.mp4
Britannica Tutorial: Read Aloud and Translate Features

Encyclopaedia Britannica Spanish Edition:

Escolar (K-8)

Features include:

  • Articles in Spanish

  • Read aloud in Spanish

  • Ability to share article in Spanish with Classroom

  • Ability to email article in Spanish

Britannica Escolar.mp4
Britannica Escolar for Supporting Spanish speaking students

Gale In Context Databases--Features include:

  • Translate feature for interface AND articles,

  • Read Aloud feature for lots of languages including Portuguese and Spanish,

  • Ability to send article to Classroom (only in English)

  • Ability to send translated article to Drive (and then you could post it to Classroom)


Middle School

Global Issues

Opposing Viewpoints


U.S. History

World History

Gale In Context to Support EL Students.mp4
Gale In Context Databases to Support EL Students


Covering a wide range of topics (mostly current events), Newsela provides articles at a variety of reading levels as well as a read aloud feature. You do need to create an account to login. Articles are able to be shared with Google Classroom. You can also curate a Text Set of articles on a specific topic or theme.

Newsela for Differentiated Instruction.mp4
Newsela for Differentiated Instruction

Using the Google Translate Tool in docs AND Read Write Extension (read aloud feature) to Support EL Students in accessing text

  • Reads aloud translated text/ webpages/ articles in languages other than English

Read Write and Translate Document Tool.mp4
How to use the Read Write Extension and Translate Document Tool to read documents aloud in a language other than English

Accessing Fiction for Students

Finding books in other languages:

  • Use the Advanced Search Feature and select the Language of choice

  • Portuguese (about 20 YA titles available)--See curated list (COMING SOON!)

  • Spanish (over 200 ebooks, 30+ audio books)

More fiction resources coming...