Mental Health Awareness Month

May is Mental Health Awareness Month!

The following resources (including ALL of the NEW books listed) are the result of a collaboration between SWAT (Student Wellness Advisory Team) and the HHS Library. The goal of SWAT is to spread awareness surrounding mental and physical health - from stress, nutrition, substance abuse, and more. Learn more about SWAT and the great programs and activities they provide on their website.

*New* Books

These NEW titles were purchased with a grant from SWAT. Students collaborated with Ms. Millette to evaluate our current collection and decide on what to add. There are MANY more books in the library that support Mental Health and Wellness. Want more titles? Reach out to Ms. Millette or go to the Library Catalog to find more.




These are free apps to support mindfulness, meditation, fitness, and health

Headspace App FREE with Boston Public Library eCard


NEDA (National Eating Disorders Association)

Non-profit organization dedicated to supporting individuals and families affected by eating disorders. Need help? Chat, call, or text.

Nation's largest anti-sexual violence organization. Need help? Call 800.656.HOPE (4673)

Build community, programming, and support for LGBTQ+ youth

We are here to listen:

(877) 870-4673 (HOPE)

Call or text 24/7

Free, confidential, 24/7, 365-day-a-year treatment referral and information service (in English and Spanish) for individuals and families facing mental and/or substance use disorders.

Combats discrimination and destigmatize mental health conditions in children and young adults

Addiction recovery help for teens and young adults

Massachusetts Youth Fighting Against Tobacco

Resources, tools, and support for quitting smoking and vaping.

Support for quitting smoking and vaping

For more organizations and supports, talk to your school counselor or go to the HHS School Counseling Page.

Other Resources @HHS