Key Club of SCTHS
In the Key Club of Stuart Career Tech High School, we focus on providing our members with opportunities to provide service, build character, develop leadership. We have two monthly meetings, and one weekly after-school work day, where our club members come together to discuss club matters, volunteer opportunities, and collectively run our club .
Our official Key Club of SCTHS meetings take place on the first and third Wednesdays of the month during our school's second lunch in Room 407. Additionally, we have an after-school workday every Wednesday from 3PM-5PM.
Although our club has a teacher-sponsor, our club is almost completely student run. Student-officials propose, vote, and determine where to allocate our club and what goals to prioritize. We had our first plant sale in November of 2022 and raised over $500. We have had members volunteer at Armand Bayou to plant and harvest.
Key Club Officers
President - Keila Torres (10th)
Vice President - Natalia Carrillo-Zepeda (10th)
Secretary - Rudy Patterson (10th)
Treasurer - Nathalie Go Hiong (10th)
Editor - Maria Tenorio (10th)
9th Grade Rep. - Bailey McCarty
10th Grade Rep. - Chelsea Martial
11th Grade Rep. - Marlin Rosales
12th Grade Rep. - Kadence Kaderli
Key Club President, Keila Torres (left), and Key Club Vice-President, Natalia Carrillo-Zepeda (right) replanting flowers in our greenhouse
Morgan Sinegal (Left), Ms. Jimenez (Center), and our secretary Rudy Patterson (Right) taking stock of our greenhouse.