Naomi's Pics

Welcome to my website portfolio! Explore my pieces as I learn more about the art of taking pictures through my digital photography class. I have on this page five pieces from the semester highlighted here for you to view.

"Paths to the Sky"

This is my favorite photograph from my first series: Elements of Art. I love the symmetry in this picture and the striking contrast between the top of the wall and the sky.


This is my best friend Olivia. I took this picture while we were watching a soccer game and really love the way it came out. The sunlight casts nice shadows and highlights her face very well to create a beautiful portrait.


I took this picture of my friend Zajen while trying to capture extreme perspectives around campus. Similar to my piece "Paths to the Sky" I really love the contrast between the wall that Zajen is standing on and the sky behind him. The strange angle from which I took this picture gives the effect that Zajen is taller than trees, yet almost the same size as the railing beneath him. This is possibly my favorite picture that I took all semester.

"The Soccer Player"

This is a picture of my friend Christian right before he kicks a soccer ball. I love the movement of Christian against the stillness of the soccer ball at his feet, it creates a cool example of stopped action.


I took this picture of my friend Annie in the lighting studio. For this image I had a light set up on either side of her to highlight the features of her face. I love how smooth yet distinct it made the lines in this photograph turn out.