Our Mission.

The SAVE (Students Against Violence Everywhere) Club at Hopewell High School is a dedicated community where students come together to showcase their leadership, creativity, and commitment to safeguarding their peers, school, and local neighborhoods from potential violence. 

Click the button below to learn more. 

With a strong emphasis on fostering a safe space for all students, SAVE Club works tirelessly to ensure that every individual feels valued, respected, and supported within the high school community. By organizing workshops, awareness campaigns, and open discussions, the club nurtures an atmosphere where students can express themselves freely, seek help when needed, and build genuine connections within Hopewell. 

It starts at home. 

The SAVE Club at Hopewell High School goes beyond its walls by engaging in impactful community service projects, extending its mission to promote safety and prevent violence in the wider community. While SAVE Club takes pride in its commitment to creating a safe environment outside the high school, it recognizes that true change begins at home.

Meet the people who make it happen

At the heart of the SAVE Club at Hopewell High School are the dedicated individuals who bring its mission to life. These passionate changemakers, hailing from diverse backgrounds and grade levels, form the backbone of our efforts to create a safer, more empathetic community within the school and beyond.

Click on the button below to meet them.