Mrs. Laub
“Words are, in my not-so-humble opinion, our most inexhaustible source of magic. Capable of both inflicting injury, and remedying it.”
- Albus Dumbledore (J.K. Rowling)
February 3-7
This week we will continue to review all of the non-fiction elements from this trimester. Students will apply this knowledge as they analyze one of Lauren Tarshis's non-fiction "I Survived" stories. In small groups they will create an infographic to share their knowledge.
Students will update their IXL diagnostic and complete TWO skills from their recommendations. Students must score 90% on each skill and practice at least ten minutes in order to complete this assignment.
There will be a bell ringer review test on Thursday, February 6. This is open-notes.
This week's word wall words: distinguish, discriminate, differentiate
Notes about Trimester 2:
For this trimester, students will be completing a reading log each Friday in class. This log will have them track and react to their daily reading of self-selected books. Students are given daily reading time and are encouraged to read at home (at least 15 minutes per night.)
Students will also have three vocabulary words to analyze each week; these words will be chosen from our daily bell ringers. The expansion of vocabulary can help improve student comprehension. There will be a test on these terms after each set of 21.
Students have had time to adjust to the expectations of seventh grade, and we are now moving into the next trimester. To ensure a positive learning environment, students are encouraged to follow routines and avoid disruptions in the classroom. If a student does not follow these expectations, they will first receive a warning, and parents will be contacted. Continued disruptions will result in a discipline referral. Additionally, students are expected to meet due dates for assignments. Late work will lose points, so it's important to encourage students to stay on top of deadlines.