A Spotlight on Student Creativity - Writings and Visual Art

Submit your creative endeavors to spectator@stuart-hall.org to be featured in next month's edition!

Pieces of Living - by Maggie Vinson

The heavy lifting that is done each day weakens my muscles,

Making them feel as if they are the same consistency as noodles floating around in a bowl of soup.

I punch the clock before placing a tattered pair of overials in a shared locker,

Then head out under the dim yellow lights that have a likeness to small strands of sunlight.

The sidewalk crunches underneath the sole of the steel toed boots,

Which gets blended with the sound of rocks bumping into metal. 

Tacks had been embedded into the bottom of the soles from such long hours in the factory.

I kept walking down the aging sidewalk with cracks filled with moss,

While the ditches surface were overwhelmed with determined weeds that grew beautiful flowers and made my allergies go crazy.

Cityscapes - by Ethan Baiotto

Shattered Horizon - by "J. D. Felsner"

Looking at the blue light

I forget my yellow

Swallow mellow rays

Get full and vomit when low

Show me the landfill of broken rainbows

Gliding through the glass sky 

When you carry them on a wheelbarrow

That I'm about throw 

at the complacent Sun

Meer-Ly Woodgrain - by Desi R. Emmert-Hart