STU Store

Want to buy some STU merch, but don’t know where or how? Worry not a moment longer, the STU Store is now in full swing thanks to the relentless efforts of Ms. Datz!

Looking simple enough from the outside, it’s when she starts recounting the background that I truly recognize what a difficult job it is to get such a service up and running. “When I started at Stuart Hall, I knew that alums were interested in STU stuff, and apparently, there used to be a bookstore in the Pit [the room across the mailboxes – S.R.], and they sold STU stuff, but also soda pop, snacks, etc. I don’t know when it closed, but the alums had been disappointed because they like buying Stuart Hall stuff. So, I did some investigations, and reached out to three or four different companies. Christchurch School, which is another one of the church schools, uses this company called Fringed Partners to do their store, and so I talked to them, and they said they would be happy to provide us with a store. My goal was to have something by alumni weekend, so when the alumni come to campus, they would have stuff to buy,” she explains, noting that the whole process started way back in August 2022.

Along with the online option to order, there are plans to have regular physical stands in the Arcade every so often. In general, through buying things from the store, it’s not only about getting some sweet STU merch, but the company “also gives us a donation based on sales, which is nice, as it’s revenue back to the school,” Ms. Datz emphasizes. While she is the main point person with the company, she mentioned her cooperation with Mr. Coady, Mrs. Martin, Ms. Kleinfelder, Ms. Farrell, and Ms. Trauner in the final product. If you haven’t yet, then, it's time to head to the site and get that STU gear!

-Simon Rozsa

Source for cover image: the STU Store's Instagram page