Advice Column - Meditations On Commitment

We knew from the beginning that this column would not be easy to write. Taking on situations and stories that awaken feelings of intense cringe and secondary shame within us, or perhaps remind us of our past and present mistakes, is not a job to be particularly grateful for. Accordingly, when that ominous email popped up in my inbox, I hesitated for a good minute: should I open it or rather ignore it, with my otherwise busy schedule as a convenient excuse. But when I took a closer look at the identity of the sender – who should be known only as J.D.R. – I knew that I had no other choice but to face the inevitable. To be fair, I took my time in answering the request, but better late than never.

Due to the confidential and personal nature of this question, I am restricted in my ability to even directly state the subject matter. Those whom it may concern will know what I am talking about. Realizing, however, that the statement touches upon a general question of commitment, I thought I would dedicate this column to this perennial issue.

Anyone who ever tried to organize anything knows the hardships of the process. First, of course, you need to defeat your own doubts and gather the courage to take the initiative. Then, you have to find people who share the same enthusiasm toward the project as you do or are otherwise interested in helping you. Following that, you need to ensure your team works harmoniously, you must establish routines and generally, just work hard on accomplishing your goal. Oh, and have fun in the meantime. Daunting, huh?

But here comes the most difficult part of it all. Because once you think you understand the bewildering web of loyalties, interests, motivations and sympathies, your team begin deserting you for whatever reasons. And then, when you try to find them to hold them accountable for what they did (not) do, they disappear into thin air as if they never walked the surface of our beautiful planet. At this, they sometimes display an astounding, almost artistic ability that even the most infamous of wanted criminals and the most secretive spy services would pay top dollar for.

Oh, ghastly condition! what unspeakable disloyalty! This is the lot of us go-getters of the Earth. We lay the foundations of the roads on which the others escape from us, fleeing their fickle promises. We build the walls they tear down in a fit of rage. We design the grand ideals that they drag down to the mud.

So, dear J.D.R., I advise you to confront the members of your fellow group, showing both the bleak vision of failure and the gleaming ray of accomplishment. Be a living example of an upstanding citizen, honest about what you can and cannot do. Believe that if you do something with genuine enthusiasm and drive, that will attract like-minded people to you and make the group fun again. Stay strong.


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