7th Grade Google Sheets

  1. Bold Headings
  2. Make Heading Font Size 14
  3. Center Heading Text
  4. Delete Column C (State)
  5. Delete Row 1
  6. Put Borders around all cells with data
  7. Rename Sheet - Bracket Data
  8. Use AVG Function to calculate Average Wins
  9. Use AVG Function to calculate Average Losses
  10. Use AVG Function to calculate Average Wins for each division
  11. Make sure all numbers are whole numbers
  12. Add a tab - rename tab 1 - 2019 March Madness, rename tab 2 Team Rankings
  13. Copy all of the data from tab 1 onto tab 2
  14. Sort in order of most wins -> Use Data -> Sort Range -> choose column and descending
  15. Highlight the teams with the top 5 records
  16. Graph the scores - top 5 records


  • Use find and replace to change East to E, West, to W, etc for each region
  • on tab 2 use formulas to see the difference in wins each team has from the AVG number of wins (you will need to lock the average wins cell for this)
  • do the same for losses (make sure you label columns)
  • Concatenate wins/losses columns to make the teams info look like this 12-9 (12 wins, 9 losses)