8B Homeroom

8B Homeroom


Good St. Joseph, Pray for Us!

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Welcome to 8B Homeroom!

Contact Information:


ATTENTION: We have the following allergies in the Middle School: Peanuts, Treenuts, Pistachios, Almonds, Hazelnuts, Cashews, Apples, Cherries, Peaches, Pears, Blackberries, Shellfish, Seafood, Pork, Kiwi, Nickel, Coconut, Strict Gluten Free Diet, Cats, Dogs, Latex, Purell Hand Sanitizer. We need to be mindful of all these items since we share the same space.

Homeroom Rules and Protocols:

  1. Parents, please know that if your student has a change in dismissal, that change must be submitted to the school, in writing, the morning of the change. Please use the change of dismissal form located on the school website. If the change is not documented, we are unable to allow the student to leave school property under the new circumstances. This procedure is in place to ensure the safety of all students, which is a priority to STS staff.

2. School starts promptly at 8:00am. Every student is expected to be in their homeroom seat and ready to start the day at that time (unless they are a patrol). If a student is not in homeroom by 8:00am, they will be considered tardy.

3. Come to school with an attitude of RESPECT. What does this mean?

  • Respect yourself. Please make sure that you are in proper uniform, which includes the appropriate shoes and socks as stated in the handbook. Bring all the required materials, so that you have everything you need in order to participate in class. Follow the honor code at all times.
  • Respect your peers. Bring an attitude of charity to your school day. Look for opportunities to help one another. Give everyone a proper environment to learn by contributing to a peaceful and orderly environment. Honor the property of others - classmates and school.
  • Respect your teacher. Follow directions immediately. Do not be afraid to ask questions. Tell the truth always, and be a young person of integrity.

Cell Phones in the Middle School:

According to the STS Student Handbook, the policy states that students with a cell phone on campus must turn it in to the Main Office at the beginning of the day, and pick it up at the end of the day.

If your child must have a phone for after school activities, we want to partner with you so that our policy is maintained, and your child has use of the phone after school.

If your child needs to bring a phone to school, parents are asked to communicate in writing, following these guidelines:

1. Email Mrs. Byrns (ebyrns@sttimothyparish.org) with a note indicating that your student has permission to bring a phone onto campus.

2. Indicate in the note that it is your understanding and expectation that the student will leave that phone in the main office during the day.

3. Ensure that the phone is labeled with the student’s name.

If a phone is found during the day in the possession of a student, it will be confiscated by the teacher and turned in to the office. At a second offense, the parent must come into the office and retrieve the phone from Administration.

I thank you in advance for your attention to this important issue.

Lunches in the Middle School:

Please sign up at ezparentcenter.com for the newly established lunch program. Students will be ordering their own lunches instead of the teachers. They may order the morning of, the day before, a week before....the menu is up and ready!


Please be aware that we have students with life-threatening allergies to Peanuts, Tree Nuts (e.g., Almonds, Cashews), seafood, sesame, coconut oil, eggs, milk and latex. With ALL middle-school students passing through all classrooms throughout the day, it is imperative that none of these products enters the classroom, including days when we have lunch in the classroom, and parties.




As tempting as it may be, it is our policy that personal gifts cannot be exchanged between students during school hours. If you have a gift for a friend, it is necessary that this take place off-campus. Parents, I ask that you be especially vigilant that personal gift exchanges do not happen at school.

PLEASE CONTACT ME if you have any questions - my school e-mail address is lgott@sainttimothyschool.org. This is the best way for us to stay in touch, since I check my Inbox most mornings. If there is a pressing need to reach me, please send in a note with your child with phone numbers where you can be reached and I will contact you as I am available.

8B Homeroom Rules

Students are to treat everyone with respect in word and action. They are to keep their hands, feet, and objects to themselves. Daily classroom responsibilities will be performed with willingness and openness to serve one another as a team.

Students are to be considerate and respectful, avoiding shouting, swearing or any offensive language. They are to use language that is appropriate to their dignity as Catholics.

They are to move in an orderly way, avoiding running or pushing in the hallways.

Students are to be punctual, and come to school fully equipped with proper materials.

The locker regulations must be followed, or students will temporarily lose locker their privileges.

Students are to be responsible for completing all assigned work and studying diligently for all tests and quizzes, and making up for missed work when absent. Copying of another student's work is seen as dishonest, will not be tolerated. I see copying and cheating on tests as a very serious violation.

Students will participate in the Mass through prayers, responses and songs. The students will remain silent and demonstrate reverence when crossing between school and the church.

Uniform Dress Code: Students are to wear the correct school uniform at all times, and dress with neatness and modesty on dress-down or dress-up days.

Prayer to St. Joseph of Cupertino: O humble St. Joseph of Cupertino, singularly favored by God in the difficulties of study and the worries of examinations, implore the Holy Spirit to enlighten my mind and aid my memory in the search of His truth and wisdom. Help me especially in the moment of examination,

protecting me from that forgetfulness and disturbing anxiety which often accompany them, so that I may grow in the knowledge, love and service of God, from whom flows that wisdom which leads to eternal life. Amen.