5th Grade

Welcome to my curriculum extension web page for the fifth grade. Here you will find math enrichment for your child. All students need to complete the assigned math on their homeroom teacher's web page first. If you would like to extend and enrich your child's math curriculum while you are home-bound, you will be able to find resources here. Assignments found here do not have to be completed on the day they are assigned. Feel free to pick and choose to help differentiate and provide enrichment for your child. Of course, please email me with any questions you have with the assignments.

Click here for today's Lesson: May 28th

Click here for previous lessons: Archived lessons

March 19th:

Yesterday's Answers:

Review Warm Up: to the left you will find a review warm up. Please remember order of operations (PEMDAS) when you are solving. The answer will be posted tomorrow. Don't forget to reduce!

Area of a Parallelogram with Decimals: Ready to start mixing it up with your multiplication skills? Try out this challenge that uses decimals!

March 18th:

Review Warm Up: to the left you will find a review warm up. Please remember order of operations (PEMDAS) when you are solving. The answer will be posted tomorrow. Don't forget to reduce!

Area of a Parallelogram

Let's start exploring the formulas (or equations) for different types of polygons. Please click here for a short lesson about the area of a parallelogram and how it relates to the area of a rectangle.

When you have finished watching, take a moment to complete this worksheet to try out your new skills! All answers will be posted tomorrow.