TC10 Environmentally Assisted Cracking


Chairman ESIS TC10 Subcommittee on Hydrogen Degradation

Prof. Jesús Toribio,

University of Salamanca,

Department of Materials Engineering,

E.P.S., Campus Viriato,

Avda Requejo 33 49022 Zamora, Spain

Contact E-mail: 

Prof. Hryhoriy Nykyforchyn,

Department of Corrosion-Hydrogen Degradation and Materials Protection,

Physico-Mechanical Institute of National Academy of Sciences of Ukraine, Ukraine

Contact E-mail: 

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TC10 Scope

Following a Kick-Off Workshop at GKSS in 1990 related to the topic of "Environmentally Assisted Cracking", EAC, the group was formally established as ESIS TC 10 in 1991.

In 1995, a Subcommittee on “Hydrogen Degradation” was founded following an initiative of members of the Karpenko Physico-Mechanical Institute of the National Academy of Sciences of Ukraine.

In the past, the work of TC 10 was focused on the development of innovative methods for testing of EAC and on the elaboration of fracture control guidelines for controlling EAC; as a result, a new ISO standard on accelerated EAC testing was introduced.

Now, TC 10 takes up new EAC and HD related tasks for which the open and versatile structure of the group appears ideally suited. Knowledge Management in the area of environmental/hydrogen degradation/embrittlement/corrosion of metallic materials and the solution of complex technical problems are new challenges. Recent advances in damage mechanisms and their prevention; materials properties under environmental/hydrogen degradation; inspection and control; risk assessment; corrosion management are considered.

The main topics covered by ESIS TC10 are: