Weekly Bulletin
Week Commencing 20/11/23 Term 2 2023-2024
Be Inquisitive - Be Resilient - Be Respectful - Be Kind
Principal's Message
Mr Jon Richardson - Principal
Dear Parents/Carers,
Thank you for your continued support this week, which has been another busy week within the academy. Our Year 11 and Year 13 pupils have continued with their mock examinations and demonstrated incredible levels of resilience throughout. We look forward to reviewing their results very soon.
Over the past module we have launched a brand new academy website, we hope this platform now provides you with all the information you need to stay updated. We have also continued to share information via our social media platforms. We are continuing to update and improve our website but please do take a moment to view the information published for you. https://stroodacademy.org.uk/
We have also had our second week of our parent drop in sessions. Thank you for taking the time to visit us, please continue to book a 15 minute session and drop in to meet a member of our team. I hope this has been helpful for you. All details are on the top banner of our website.
Our final day on the module is Friday 15th December, we will be having college reward assemblies to celebrate the end of term. These are always spectacular events which we all look forward to. On Friday 15th December pupils will be allowed to wear a Christmas jumper, this is optional. The rest of the academy uniform must be worn, for example shoes, trousers, shirt, tie, blazer. The Christmas jumper can simply replace the academy jumper. Many pupils have been asking to wear a Christmas jumper on the final day of term so I’m sure many will enjoy the festivities. To confirm, we will also have an earlier finish time on Friday 15th December, we will have a staggered dismissal between 1:30pm - 1:40pm. The bus companies have been informed of this change, as per usual if your child requires to stay on the academy site until 3:20pm please do let the academy know and supervision can be arranged. I will also issue this as a separate letter to you all.
As always, thank you for your continued support as we reach the midpoint of module 2. We have plenty of events to look forward to in the final three weeks of term, which include our Year 11 mock results and parents evening, parent voice forum and our first ever Christmas show. Please see all information on our website. https://stroodacademy.org.uk/
Kindest regards,
Jon Richardson
Key dates for THIS term
Year 11 Mock Window - 13th November - 28th November
Year 13 Mock Window - 20th November - 24th November
Year 11 Parents Evening/Mock Results Evening - Thursday 7th December, 4-7pm
Parent Voice Forum - Tuesday 12th December, 6-7pm
Christmas Production - Thursday 14th December (information to follow)
Monday, Tuesday, Thursday & Friday