24-Hour Contact Rule

All parents will sign an acknowledgement of this 24-hour contact rule at the parent meeting for their particular sport.

There must be a signed acknowledgement on file before a child is allowed to participate in the athletic program.

24-Hour Contact Rule and Procedure

Win or lose, youth sporting events can become emotionally charged, so we have implemented a “24-hour rule” and contact procedure for all teams at St. Patrick:

There shall be no contact (verbal, phone, email, text, etc.) with any member of the coaching staff or athletic director regarding a complaint or issue of concern (whether it is about a Coach or player’s conduct, language, playing time, position played, etc…) before, during or after a game or practice for a 24-hour period following the occurrence of an issue of concern.

Following the 24-hour period the following steps should be taken:

  • Athlete verbally communicates with coach. If the situation is not resolved...
  • Athlete and parent then speak to coach together. If not resolved...
  • Athlete and parent have a meeting with coach and AD. If the situation still is not resolved...
  • All parties have a meeting with the principal and/or pastor.