Jian Li

Assistant Professor

Data Science Program  

Department of Applied Mathematics and Statistics

Department of Computer Science

College of Engineering and Applied Sciences 

Stony Brook University

E-mail: jian.li.3 AT stonybrook DOT edu 

Short Biography

Jian Li is an Assistant Professor of Data Science with the Departments of Applied Mathematics and Statistics & Computer Science in the College of Engineering and Applied Sciences at Stony Brook University, State University of New York (SUNY). Before that, he was an assistant professor at SUNY-Binghamton from 2019 to 2023, and a postdoc with the College of Information and Computer Sciences, University of Massachusetts Amherst from 2017 to 2019, hosted by Prof. Don Towsley. He completed his Ph.D. in Computer Engineering from Texas A&M University in 2016 under the supervision of Prof. Srinivas Shakkottai. He also worked very closely with Prof. Vijay Subramanian from University of Michigan. He received his B.E. from Shanghai Jiao Tong University in 2012. Dr. Li is a recipient of the NSF CISE CRII Award. His papers have received the ACM e-Energy'21 Best Paper Runner-Up Award and IEEE MASCOTS'18 Best Paper Runner-Up Award.  

Research Interests

I am actively looking for highly motivated Ph.D. students and postdocs with strong background in machine learning (particularly reinforcement learning), applied mathematics, statistics, optimization, and/or operation research, as well as  interests in applications of next-generation networked systems (e.g., wireless networks, edge and could computing). Please feel free to apply to either the Department of Applied Mathematics and Statistics or the Department of Computer Science and mention my name in your application if you are interested in joining our group!
