Videos and Animations

Vacancy Chains in Hermit Crabs

Description: Narrated video of a vacancy chain shot in the field.

Credits: Annie Courtney

Description: An animation of three hermit crabs taking new shells in a vacancy chain.

Credits: Hronn Axelsdottir

First Crab.mp4

Description: Video of a hermit crab taking the first shell in a vacancy chain.

Credits: Lester Lefkowitz

Slow-Mo of First Crab.mp4

Description: Slow motion video of a hermit crab taking the first shell in a vacancy chain.

Credits: Lester Lefkowitz

Description: Video of a hermit crab taking the second shell in a vacancy chain

Credits: Lester Lefkowitz

Description: Slow motion video of a hermit crab taking the second shell in a vacancy chain.

Credits: Lester Lefkowitz


Description: Video of a hermit crab taking the third shell in a vacancy chain.

Credits: Lester Lefkowitz


Description: Slow motion video of a hermit crab taking the third shell in a vacancy chain.

Credits: Lester Lefkowitz

Vacany Chain Sequence.mp4

Description: Video of a vacancy chain showing crabs that took shells as well as those that looked, but didn't take shells.

Credits: Lester Lefkowitz