Welcome, Join Us!

Contact the Director of Music (Dr. Jane Kuehne) or Fill out this Interest Form for more information.


St. Michael's has several opportunities for music participation. 

Singers: We welcome ALL LEVELS of singers. No experience is necessary to join!

If you wish to cantor (lead the mass, solo/microphone singing), you'll meet with the Director of Music to talk through your experiences and sing through a few things. This will be very informal, and it is just to ensure you will be comfortable leading music in mass. We will "ease you in," scheduling you to sing with another experienced cantor until you are comfortable. 

COVID-19 protocols may affects numbers of participants at each mass.

Instrumentalists: We love to include wind/string (including guitar!) instruments in masses. Contact the director of music for more information on how you can get involved!

Music at St. Michael's Masses

Saturday Vigil Mass

Sunday Masses

AU Catholic & Non-Catholic Student Group

This is a group for students led by students. 

For more information, complete this interest form.