St Mary's Weekly

Aspiring, nurturing, flourishing; 

together shining a light

 ‘Let your light shine’ (Matthew 5:16) 

Welcome back! 

On Wednesday, the school buzzed with excitement as we welcomed our pupils back after the summer break. It was great to see children chatting with friends and extending warm welcomes to new comers.

This week we introduced everyone to our updated vision statement,

Aspiring, nurturing, flourishing; together shining a light.

The metaphor of shining a light signifies the potential within each one of our pupils and staff. Our aim is to nurture talents, encourage curiosity, and empower everyone to shine brightly in their own unique way. We read a story called 'Maybe' written by Kobi Yamada. It is a story about the endless potential in all of us. Below are a couple of quotes as a reminder to all of us.

'Wherever you go, take your hopes, pack your dreams, and never forget - it is on journeys that discoveries are made.'

'One thing is for sure, you are here. And because you are here... anything is possible.'

 During the week each class poured their creativity into crafting a display that highlights the myriad ways in which we are all unique and how our differences enrich our community. The class displays also emphasize the importance of inclusion, understanding and respect. Below are some photographs of the displays so far. 

 Friday afternoon all the children in Years 1 to 6 spent time in their family groups. The aim of family groups is to create a strong sense of belonging, allowing children to form lasting friendships and bonds that extend beyond their respective year group. During the afternoon each family group had the opportunity to engage in team building activities and work collaboratively on developing our vision for the reception area at the front of the school. We will continue to nurture these family group relationships throughout the year. 

Groups working on our new vision for our reception area at the front of school 
Groups working on the sunbeams for our new vision
Sunbeams ready for our display
Forest School
Creating pictures in the style of Andy Goldsworthy
Target practice

Shining a light on... 

  Our Reception Class

This week our youngest children were introduced to our Reception area and the dining hall. They have explored both the indoor and outdoor classroom fostering their curiosity and creativity. One of the most heartwarming aspects of this week was witnessing new friendships bloom.

We want to extend our gratitude to all the parents who have entrusted us with the education and care of their children. Your support and involvement makes a world of difference; we look forward to building a strong partnership as we guide these young learners together.

New Staff 

We are delighted to welcome teacher Mrs Budd to our team and Learning Support Assistants Mrs Partlett, Mrs Thomas and Ms Morris. 


Florence has just won second place in the novice girls category at Croxley Green Skate Jam. We are so proud of her and her confidence to skateboard in front of so many people, including adult advanced skaters. She has also earned her Sports Blue Peter badge recently for her skateboarding. 



PE Days

Monday  - Year 5 & Year 6

Tuesday - Year 3, Year 4 & Year 6

Wednesday - Year 1 & Year 2

Thursday - Reception, Year 1, Year 2 & Year 4

Friday - Year 3 & Year 5

JD After School Clubs

JD Sports Clubs begin next week. You are able to book sessions via the gateway.


Please remember that you are able to park in the Tesco Car Park and the surrounding roads. Please remember to avoid parking / blocking driveways. Stockers Farm Road is reserved for blue badge holders

Donations for Africa

Mrs McLeod is not taking further collections for St Mary’s Africa at the moment.

Key dates for Week 2 & 3


St Mary’s needs your votes to get a share of Tesco’s Community Grants fund

St Mary’s needs your votes to get a share of Tesco’s Community Grants fund

We have been successful in our application for the Tesco Community Grants initiative. Tesco works with community charity Groundwork to run its community funding scheme, which sees grants of up to £1,500, £1,000 and £500 awarded to local community projects. Any grant received from Tesco will go towards helping children learn about the importance of looking after our environment.

Voting is open from the first week in July until the end of September and customers will cast their vote using a token given to them at the check-out each time they shop. Please vote for St Mary’s when you shop at:

Junior Park Run

Hertfordshire BreeZee Families
