
Week 26: March 2-6


5th Grade Math: Integer Worksheet due 3/3

SS: No homework

4th Grade Math: Comparing Fractions sheet due 3/3

All 4th Graders. Complete Multiplication Facts Log due tomorrow, Friday 3/6 (Please review 9 times tables each night for 15 minutes and have parents sign for each day) Students will be given a mini test on 9 times tables on Friday as a grade. (There was a snapshot of your child's work attached to the log.)


5th Grade Math: Integer Representation Worksheet. On the back, write 10 sentences (5 positive examples and 5 negative examples) that represent integers. Be sure to provide the answer. Due 3/4


David withdrawn $50 dollars from his bank account

Integer: -$50

SS: No homework

4th Grade Math: Comparing Fractions with like denominators sheet due 3/4

All 4th Graders. Complete Multiplication Facts Log due tomorrow, Friday 3/6 (Please review 9 times tables each night for 15 minutes and have parents sign for each day) Students will be given a mini test on 9 times tables on Friday as a grade. (There was a snapshot of your child's work attached to the log.)


5th Grade Math: Integers using a number line. In your math journal solve the equations. Provide a number line to show your work. due 3/5

1.) 4+(-5)=

2.) -7 +2=

3.) 1-10=

4.) 0-(-7)=

5.) -6-2=

6.) -3+(-4)=


4th Grade Math: Comparing Numbers with like denominators. due 3/5

All 4th Graders. Complete Multiplication Facts Log due tomorrow, Friday 3/6 (Please review 9 times tables each night for 15 minutes and have parents sign for each day) Students will be given a mini test on 9 times tables on Friday as a grade. (There was a snapshot of your child's work attached to the log.)


5th Grade Math:

    • 5 Lombard- Finish the work that was given in class today. Ordering and Comparing Integers/Integers on a Number line due 3/6
    • 5 Nowlin- Complete the Adding Integers Sheet. Create number lines for each equation in your journal. due 3/6

SS: No Homework

4th Grade Math: Unit Fraction Sheet due 3/6

All 4th Graders. Complete Multiplication Facts Log due tomorrow, Friday 3/6 (Please review 9 times tables each night for 15 minutes and have parents sign for each day) Students will be given a mini test on 9 times tables on Friday as a grade. (There was a snapshot of your child's work attached to the log.)


5th Grade Math:

5th Grade work was passed back. Please review sheets and keep them in a safe place for reference. All 5th graders had a mini conference with Ms. Nowlin about how they did on their quiz. If your child has a math quiz that needs to be signed please review and sign it by Monday.

5L: Review IXL skills N.1-N.7

5N: IXL skill N.6

SS: No homework

4th Grade Math: No homework

5th Grade LA (Nowlin)

Please see spelling word list on home page.

Write spelling word list 3 times each (2 times in print and 1 time in cursive) due Monday 3/9

Also please return all test signed by parent

Week 27: Mar 9-13


5th Grade Math: Adding and Subtracting Integers sheet (both sides) due 3/10

5N Math: Complete IXL N.4 (6th Grade tab) by tomorrow, 3/10

LA/Spelling: Spelling Worksheet due 3/10

SS: Copy the message below on a sheet of paper and turn it in to me tomorrow 3/10:

"You will need to check my homework page daily to see what is due for homework. If we are out of school please check the "Online Student Learning" tab at the top of the page. Also check to make sure you can get access in your Google Classroom. This is important. Lastly, look at the my website home page and tell parents about the bull roast basket flyer."

4th Grade Math: Comparing Fractions with unlike denominators sheet due 3/10

All 4th Graders. Complete Multiplication Facts Log due, Thursday, 3/13 (Please review 7 times tables each night for 15 minutes and have parents sign for each day) Students will be given a mini test on 7 times tables on Friday as a grade. (There was a snapshot of your child's work attached to the log.)


5th Grade Math: Adding and Subtracting Integers due 3/11

SS: (5th Grade Only) Copy the message below on a sheet of paper and turn it in to me tomorrow 3/10:

"The colonies created assemblies, or law making bodies in order to make laws for their colonies. Legislation was the first step to self governance from England. The colonial government were building a system of government that represented the people however, it was never perfect. Women, indentured servants, enslaved Africans, and Native Americans could not vote or hold an office for the colony."

4th Grade Math: Comparing Fractions Sheet due 3/11

All 4th Graders. Complete Multiplication Facts Log due, Thursday, 3/13 (Please review 7 times tables each night for 15 minutes and have parents sign for each day) Students will be given a mini test on 7 times tables on Friday as a grade. (There was a snapshot of your child's work attached to the log.)


5th Grade Math: Subtracting Integers/Compare and order integers (both sides) due 3/12

SS: No homework (Unless you need to finish writing your essay draft about John Locke)

4th Grade Math: Ordering fractions due 3/12

All 4th Graders. Complete Multiplication Facts Log due tomorrow, Thursday, 3/13 (Please review 7 times tables each night for 15 minutes and have parents sign for each day) Students will be given a mini test on 7 times tables on Friday as a grade. (There was a snapshot of your child's work attached to the log.)


5th Grade Math: Finish the Math Practice Sheet due 3/16

5th Graders are expected to be prepared for a Math Quiz on Monday

SS: Complete John Locke Essay. (due 3/20)

You may have the option to handwrite your essay or type it:

  • If you choose to type it, it will be on Google Classroom. Be sure to turn it in.
    • Black ink
    • 12 point font
    • double spaced
    • Times New Roman font
  • If you choose to handwrite it:
    • Write neatly in blue or black ink
    • Be sure to head the paper
    • Double space your paper (skip lines)

4th Grade Math: Complete worksheet and get it signed by a parent/ or guardian due 3/16


School Closed

Week 28: Mar 16-20

Please go to the "Online Student Learning" Tab for work this week.

Week 29: Mar 23-27

Please go to the "Online Student Learning" Tab for work this week.

Please note: Friday- 3rd Quarter ends