Please direct all questions about Social Studies to Mrs. Schifferdecker. Her email is: mschifferdecker@stlinusschool.org 

CHOIR TEACHER'S EMAIL: pegster06@att.net 

Google classroom invite link: https://classroom.google.com/c/NDk3NjA1NDU5OTc1?cjc=cmdblvy

Class code: cmdblvy 

Treats for class: They just have to be store bought and no dairy, no coconut, no nuts. Also, I have friends with braces who can't eat chewy candy.

***Starting the first of the year, I will not be making phone calls or checking my dojo after 3pm. You are more than welcome to send me messages past 3; however, I will not be checking them until the following morning. My hours will be 7:50-3. As I said previously, I will not be making phone calls after hours as well. I hope you all understand. Thank you.****