Catamount Community Hours (CatCH)

Afterschool and Summer Programs @ St. Johnsbury School


CatCH offers free afterschool and summer programs for St. Johnsbury youth (grades 1-8) and families.  Our vision: youth and families who feel more connected to their community, their school, and the breadth of ways people can keep their minds and bodies active. 

Headquartered at St. Johnsbury School, our programs are open to all St. Johnsbury students in these grades, including those who attend independent schools or who are home-schooled.  

Our teachers come from the school, from surrounding communities, and from institutions in our town (e.g., the Fairbanks Museum and Planetarium and Catamount Arts) and beyond (e.g., NorthWoods Stewardship Center). Financial support comes from federal investments (see below) and from generous local sponsors, such as Passumpsic Bank and Tim Scott Realty.

Working with a local carpenter to make cornhole sets for the Elks Lodge.

Movement and acting activities at the Vermont Children's Theater.

CatCH Sessions for 2023-24

Generally, we do not offer programs on early-release days. However, in 2023-34, we will "pilot test" a few programs to see if family interest is high.

Typical Afterschool Schedule

2:45-3:30 Snack and "choice time" (physical activity, art/games/ books, or homework help)

3:30-4:30 Program (for example, karate or drama; chosen by the student during registration, the program meets the same day each week throughout the session)

4:30-4:45 Reflect on program

4:45-5:00 Dismissal (parent pick up, walk, or free late bus)

Typical Summer Schedule

8:30-9:00    Breakfast

9:00-12:00  Four blocks: literacy, math, recess, and team-building

12:00-12:30 Lunch

12:30-2:45   Projects (grades K-4 sample a variety of projects, and grades 5-8 stick with one project for two weeks)

CatCH Registration

At least 3 weeks before each session, all grade 1-8 families will receive a text and email announcing that registration is open. This announcement also will appear on a sign outside the school's front desk, on the district's Facebook page, and in the "Catamount Update" sent to families at the end of each week.

Families can register through this website or using a paper form at the school's front desk.

Registration is not "first come, first served." Instead, we consider all forms submitted by the deadline and try to serve as many families as possible while keeping our group sizes safe. Families do not always get every program or day that they request.

CatCH Policies for 2023-24

For afterschool and summer policies and procedures, please see the CatCH Family Handbook.

CatCH loves visitors. If you contact us first, you are welcome to come watch your child in action and maybe even participate.

CatCH appreciates donations.

Regular CatCH programs are free for families thanks to support from the school district and grants from the federal government. These grants include two 21st Century Community Learning Centers investments. 

While there is no charge to families, donations to CatCH increase our efficiency and the diversity of activities we offer. If you can contribute, please send a check, made out to "St. Johnsbury School District" with "CatCH" in the memo line, to this address: CatCH, c/o St. Johnsbury School, 257 Western Ave., St. Johnsbury, VT 05819