Women Of Mary

Mission Statement

The Women of Mary seeks to imitate Mary as faithful and obedient Catholic women, in fellowship, who love God and reflect the light of Jesus through the spiritual and corporal works of mercy.

Group Description

Following the example of our spiritual mother, Mary, Women of Mary (WoM) seeks to lead the women of St. Joseph Catholic Church into a deeper relationship with Jesus Christ. WoM encourages all women to follow the example of Mary, who, wholeheartedly and without reservation, submitted herself to the Lord's will. WoM provides spiritual care and nourishment to all women, in order for members to use and develop their talents to point others to Jesus through their unique and divine gifts as women. Primarily, we encourage women to join and participate in our small groups. (However, women are not required to be a member of a small group and can still join us for our monthly large group meetings. New women are always welcome to join!) Our small groups include, and are not limited to, making prayer blankets, hospitality, social events, and various spiritual and Bible study opportunities. Women are empowered to form new small groups at any time based on their interests and needs. For further information, please contact us at womenofmary.stjoes@gmail.

Would you like more information about Women of Mary (WoM)?

Please email us your questions and if you'd like to be added to our email distribution list, please complete this form. You may also email us any questions at womenofmary.stjoes@gmail.com.

WoM Small Groups

The following is a list of the sister groups that are led by the members of WoM. We invite you to prayerfully consider joining one or maybe even several, whatever the Holy Spirit might be leading you to do.

  1. Book Club: meets monthly to chat about the book they read. Location varies.

  2. Volunteer Service & Food Committee (baking & food help for parish activities )

  3. Prayer Blankets: make blankets, get blessed & distribute

  4. RCIA Food Hospitality: help set up food (small buffet) after 10am mass fall to spring - rotate with other volunteers

  5. Craft Group: meets monthly for different crafting activities. Location varies.

  6. Joy, Java & Jesus: meets monthly at The Corner Social to chat, get to know other women in the parish & share prayer requests

If any of these groups appeal to you and you would like to join, please indicate so in the "comments" section of the Contact Information form link below.

Please note: This is only a group calendar and not the official calendar for events at St. Joseph parish. To see the official calendar please visit the Home page.