CPS Think Blue, Go Green


Cambusbarron Primary School (CPS) are trying to make others aware of what is happening to our planet e.g. pollution, over-fishing , climate change and more.

Save the Seas

by Rose


Inspired by the shocking facts we've read, we've created stories to share what's going on and encourage you to make a change :)

Ewan & Sean.mov
Rhys, John & Ryan.mov

Video by Sean & Ewan Video by Rhys, Ryan & John

Willow's Worry

Willow was a whale

As happy as could be

She loved to play with his family

In the icy, deep blue sea

She would hide in the coral

And swim with the fish

Her life was a smile

Please last forever, at least that was Her wish

Willow was a whale

She went swimming in the sea

But something was strange

And not as it should be

She swam deeper and deeper and gasped at the sight

The beautiful bright coral had turned all white

This is not good thought Willow annoyed

All my fish-friends homes are destroyed

There was only some colour left in the reef

The rest has began to fade

None of the fish will ever survive

Now Willow was getting afraid

I wonder what has happened Willow said

Maybe I’ll go play somewhere else instead

So off She went to go and have some fun

But there was no fish around, not even one

Where have all my friends gone? They’ve all disappeared

and they’ve all been replaced with something very weird

Willow was surrounded by all sorts of plastic

Bottles, bags, and so much more, what has happened? this is drastic

That evening Willow went home

And talked to her mum about what she'd seen

We need to do something NOW

To get the oceans clean

You should talk to Felix, your fish-friend

Make sure he’s fine, and maybe he knows

This is what Mum said and maybe she's right

Felix will help, Willow said in a doze

So the next morning Willow was away

She passed the white coral that filled him with dismay

And the lifeless lands of plastic

It was all very tragic

She closed her eyes and swam even quicker

Where had Felix gone? Her stomach starting to flicker

Her worried shouts echoed over the land

It was then she heard a small voice underneath him in the sand

I'm here and i'm fine you don't need to worry

Willow sighed in relief ,and floated down in a hurry

She talked and talked about the problems she faced

About the dying coral and the hundreds of waste

I know I know but it's not up to us

Felix kept saying, as we discussed

Here is what she told me (And it's not in Rhyme)

There is too much information, and not enough time

“It's the humans Willow, and they're nasty rubbish. They are ruining our homes and killing my family. And there is nothing we can do but stay alive, it's now up to them to free our seas. We are all being tricked into eating that plastic, and our homes are turning as white as the clouds. We NEED THEM TO STOP NOW!”

“So what can they do to stop this problem?” Willow had asked.

“Many things and here are some.

  • Always use reusable items, like reusable shopping bags and water bottles.

  • Find plastics you no longer need and dispose of them properly.

  • Pick up any rubbish you see when visiting parks or beaches.

  • And this ones simple- Make a habit of saying “No straw please and I brought my own cup thanks.”

So any human reading these words

Listen to Willow and Felix and ACT NOW!

by Isla & Sienna

Blue by Scarlett H Angelica by Gurjeet

There’s a monster chasing me

There’s a monster chasing me said Sloppy Joes

He’s green and he has no fingers or toes

There’s loads of monsters surrounding me everywhere

There all different colours some here some there

They don’t walk or swim

Some of them are wide and some are slim

There’s a monster chasing me there turning our sea bad

Filling it with monsters making our earth sad

There’s a monster chasing me and my home is now white

There’s no fish and no shines of light

These monsters are bobbing up and down

More comes it looks like our sea might drown

Our homes are being destroyed more fish are gone

More and more as the days go on

There’s a monster chasing me I don’t know what to do

I'm becoming quite hopeless I’m feeling quite blue

2030 are seas are destroyed

There’s monsters everywhere I can not avoid

There’s a monster chasing me all my friends are food

Nothing in particular is going good

Our future could change and so could our past

Listen to people's ideas It needs to be done fast

There’s a monster chasing me there’s loads of solutions

This is what we call our world’s pollution

There’s a monster chasing we could start here

Start by exploring our sea or it will all disappear

Also we could start leaving nothing behind

You don’t know what we might find

One more could be demand less plastic use

There’s nothing to loose

There’s a monster chasing me our future could be clear

There’s nothing be afraid of hold no fear

by Georgia

Tiny Tim

There's a turtle in my bathtub, and I don't know what to do

He squeaks at my bottles and he's looking very blue

Can rings on his shell

Hes obviously very unwell

I gave him my hand and he bit my finger

I guess he didn't like when people linger

He slid down the bath right to the bottom

He slid right down just before i caught em

He slid from side to side

In a rather speedy glide

He told his story about the seas

And how there slowly losing their breeze

I took tiny tim to my room

But for some reason he still looked doomed

I got to work drawing a poster

Meanwhile tims sitting on my shoulder

Writing about the things that changed

Nothings been arranged

Meanwhile this disaster is growing

So I Tell everyone to get going

Picking up plastic of the ground

And making sure its not drowned

Instead of plastic use a paper straw

And i will make sure that this is a law

I will make sure that tim will be free

With his mum in the deep blue sea

To learn more about how we can save our planet go to



The turtles are in Danger

There were 2 little turtles called Squirtle and Bubble. Squirtle and Bubble were swimming in the ocean living their lives, until one day everything started to change.There was rubbish, trash and there were hundreds of dead fish. Along with sea animals all wrapped in plastic, The coral was losing its color and was turning white. Squirtle and Bubble swam away from all the plastic but they got caught in a fishing net and got taken away from their home, they tried and tried to get out of the net but they couldn’t so they eventually gave up. Then they saw they reached a part of land and the fisherman got them out and saw the sparkle fear in their eyes as he grabbed a sharp knife for the drawer and proceeded to cook them.

If you want to help.

If you want to help save the sea animals then you should:

  • Pick up trash in your neighborhood and when visiting the park or beaches (because that's where most animals are died because of plastic)

  • Find the plastics you no longer need and dispose of them properly. If you can, replace them with long-lasting options.

  • Always choose quality and durability over convenience. Single- use bags,cups and other products usually cost you more in the long term- and definitely cost our planet.

  • Reduce your own plastic waste. Start by using the “Plastic calculator” to track how much you use - then you can take steps to reduce your use and waste.

By Hayden & Sophie