St Modan's Anniversary 


On September 5th 1933 Archbishop MacDonald of St Andrews and Edinburgh presided over the official opening of St Modan's High School in Barnsdale Road, St Ninians, Stirling. This would mark the first academic session under the leadership of the first Rector - Joseph Foxworthy.  

Since that day, every academic year has seen hundreds (and occasionally thousands) of pupils and staff gather in our corridors and classrooms, dining areas and sports-fields in the noble pursuit of acquiring skills and knowledge, but also of developing friendship and a sense of community. 

A 90th anniversary is known as a Granite Anniversary

Granite does not possess the showiness of silver or the glister of gold; it doesn't sparkle like sapphire or dazzle like diamonds... but it endures. That is why we often use it in our memorials to those we hold dear.  

And like granite, our community of St Modan's has endured- steadfast and reliable for nearly a century. We remained through the ravages of WWII to the passing of a king and the reign of a new queen, through the first TV broadcast in the 50s, to the swinging sixties and the first human step on the moon, we were there during the glamorous seventies when pupils wore flares, and in the 80s when our the school expanded to include a 'new extension'. Our school witnessed the end of one millennium and the arrival of a new one. We have have shivered through countless freezing winters, sweated through scorching winters, coped with fire, flood and relocation... and we survived a global pandemic, and witnessed changes unimaginable to those pioneering pupils and staff of 1933. 

Yet, throughout all this turmoil of the nine decades, just like Granite, our spirit, our values and our community of St Modan's High School have remained strong.

Now, almost a century after our school was established, 2023 represents this incredible milestone in our school's impressive history  - the 90th Anniversary, and we plan to celebrate. 

As part of our celebrations, this site aims to help mark this significant date by sharing details about the past, present and future of this amazing school. 

Click here or on the picture to get a flavour of how far we have come since 1933.

A Bird's Eye View. In June of this special year, we arranged for a photograph to be taken of the entire school population  arranged on the grass pitch in front of the school.  

The pupils and staff formed the number 90, which was also represented in the Roman numerals XC. 

After a little organisation of staff and pupils, the impressive image was captured by @scotdrone, and shows the school building and the people who make it so amazing!  CLICK HERE to see the photograph taking shape. 

Brick by brick! This year, a group of S3 pupils gave up their Tuesday lunchtimes to assist Mr Brown in recreating a Lego verion of the school's main enterance. The finished model can now be seen by visitors to the school in - quite appropriately - the school's main entrance.  

S6 Pupils 1960s

S6 Senior Team 2022/23

St Modan's Royal Stuart Way

Winning School Football Team 1940s