Mrs. Logan's Classrooms

Welcome to Mrs. Logan's Study Skills Website!

I am thrilled to be a teacher here at Stillwater High School, working on my 18th year of teaching. I thoroughly enjoy my job and look forward to working with students each day. I admire their strength, their patience and their perseverance. My mission in the Study Skills Classroom is to coach students on ways to become more effective, efficient learners as they navigate the high school curriculum.

My room is #124. For the Spring Semester, 2020-2021 school year I will be teaching 3 blocks of Study Skills. My plan period is 3rd Block, from 1:00pm to 2:30pm. I am available during my plan, before school from 8:30-9am, after school from 4:00-4:15pm and most lunch periods. If you schedule with me ahead of time I can extend those hours as needed. I can be reached by phone at 405-533-6450, ext. 5124. I can be reached via email at

Please contact me if needing assistance or information. I will be glad to help if I am able.

***During Distance Learning the best time to contact me is in the mornings between 8:30 and noon. In the afternoons I will be contacting students and working with them individually.


Course Description:

This course is designed to help students gain and improve the skills necessary for them to be personally and academically successful. This is NOT a study hall, it is a practice-driven course, which means skills will be taught and practiced. Students will become familiar with their IEPs, enhance their study skills, transition skills, reading skills and test prep skills. Students will also be provided time to complete homework and study for general curriculum classes with teacher support.


A period of instructional time will be given at the beginning of each class period.. Students will be required to complete a Study Skills Log each week, documenting the subjects and assignments worked on during class time.. Additional classroom assignments will be given to compliment the course material.

Students will earn 3 grades per week. The Study Skills Log will be one of the grades, with the 2 others coming from the additional classroom assignments.

Time will be provided for students to work on assignments from their classes. Students must bring their materials to class with them.

Cell Phones:

Cell phone use will be at Mrs. Logan’s discretion, based on student, classroom and teacher needs. At no time will cell phone use be allowed to disrupt student progress or the classroom work ethic/environment. If a student fails to follow the phone policy, the phone will be confiscated and appropriate discipline measures will be taken.

Classroom Expectations:

  1. Be on time

  2. Come to class prepared

  3. Treat everyone with respect

  4. Do all work to the best of your ability

  5. Follow all SHS policies and procedures.