Distance Learning

Staff Contact Info

Colleen Grogan 503-366-7203 colleeng@sthelens.k12.or.us

Madeline Goodwin 503-366-7200 madelineg@sthelens.k12.or.us

Brad Adams 503-366-7209 brada@sthelens.k12.or.us

Steve Monteleone 503-366-7205 stevenm@sthelens.k12.or.us

Adam Wies 503-366-7202 adamw@sthelens.k12.or.us

Mary Fawcett 503-366-7201 maryf@sthelens.k12.or.us

Nicole Edwards 503-366-7201 nicolee@sthelens.k12.or.us

Martin Hehman 503-366-7204 martinh@sthelens.k12.or.us

Click on the staff's name to be taking to their site if they have one.

Office Hours

Staff will be available to speak and meet with you during their office hours. All staff will have office hours from 10:00 AM to 12:00 PM on Tuesday, Wednesday, Thursday, and Friday. Staff are all available via email and phone. Some staff may have online meeting that you can join as well.

How to Join a Zoom Meeting

We would like to connect with students to share out and to answer any questions that you may have. ZOOM will be a major platform for our weekly meetings.

Please download ZOOM on your devices this week. (Most of you will select the first link.)

Here’s a quick Guide on how to join a meeting and to use zoom. Most Zoom meetings and office hours will have a link to join posted by the teacher. Please remember to have your device charged and it would also be helpful to have some earbuds or headphones.

Zoom Etiquette/Requirements

  1. Zoom will be our virtual classroom. You will be expected to behave as you would in class (i.e. sit still, listen to the person speaking, and use school appropriate language). Your teachers have the ability to mute your audio and end your video feed if you are not acting appropriately. Zoom session may be recorded.


  3. Try to use a plain background or virtual background. (Harder to do using a chromebook - Do your best) It can be a picture in the background. Remember that it should still be school appropriate.

  4. Sign in early (if you can) and wait in the waiting room (if there is one) until you are let in.

  5. Mute your chat session at all times and unmute when you raise your hand to talk.

  6. School appropriate dress code.

(Each session may be recorded for those who can’t make it.)

  1. Comments in the Zoom meeting or on a chat need to be school appropriate.

  2. Use your first name when you sign in. No fun nicknames.