mrs. IrIzarry

spanish K-2nd grade

this week in spanish class

January 24th - January 28th

Kindergarten - (rooms 101 and 102) - Words/phrases to learn How are you? ¿ Cómo estas? Estoy (I am), Bien (well,fine), Feliz (happy), Triste (sad). Chapter songs (¿ Cómo estas? and if you're feliz and You know it)

First grade - room 103 and104 - Introduction to classroom commands; Siéntate (sit down, to one person), Siéntense (sit down, to more than one person), repite (repeat, to one person), repitan (repeat, to more than one person), levántate (stand up, to one person), levántense (stand up, to more than one person) , escribe ( write, to one person), escriban (write, to more than one person), chapter song and flash.

Second grade - room 105, Introduction to more classroom commands. Escucha (listen to one person), escuchen (listen to more than one person), silencio (be quiet ), Abre el libro ( open your book to one person), abran el libro(open your books to more than one person), levanta la mano ( raise your hand to one person), levanten la mano (raise your hands to more than one person). Flash cards and songs.

Second grade - room 106, Review and complete who and what chapter and play flash card game.

Previous work

January 17th - JANUARY 21ST

Kindergarten - (rooms 101 and 102) - Review and complete ¿ Cómo te llamas? Yo me llamo...chapter. Feliz Año Nuevo craft.

First grade - room 103 - Ricitos de Oro and the three Osos chapter story

First grade - room 104 - Ricitos de Oro and the three Osos chapter story

Second grade - room 105, Review and complete Classroom commands show what you know.

Second grade - room 106, Review who and what chapter and Feliz Año Nuevo craft.

January 10th - January 14th

Kindergarten - (rooms 101 and 102) - No class due to No school on Friday

First grade - Room 103 Review chapter 10 review. Feliz Año Nuevo hanger craft.

First grade - Room 104 Review chapter 10 review. Feliz Año Nuevo hanger craft.

Second grade - room 105, Classroom commands show what you know/ Feliz Año Nuevo craft

Second grade - room 106, No class due to no school on Friday

December 13th - December 17th

Kindergarten - (room 101 and 102) - No class, early dismissal

First grade - room 103 - Quiz on chapters 5 - 9

First grade - room 104 - Finish up our chapters 5 - 9 review and songs

Second grade - room 106 - No class, early dismissal

December 6th - December 10th

Kindergarten - (room 101 and 102) - Rosie and Andy video (¿ Como te llamas? Yo me llamo...) and self portrait drawing

First grade - room 103 - Finish up our chapters 5 - 9 review and songs

First grade - room 104 - Introduction to Chapters 5 - 9 review words/phrases and master our songs.

Second grade - room 105 - Introduction to classroom commands; Siéntate (sit down, to one person), Siéntense (sit down, to more than one person), repite (repeat, to one person), repitan (repeat, to more than one person), levántate (stand up, to one person), levántense (stand up, to more than one person) , escribe ( write, to one person), escriban (write, to more than one person) and chapter song.

Second grade - room 106 - Continue with who and what phrases.

November 29th - December 3rd

Kindergarten - (rooms 101 and 102) - Yo me llamo... (My name is...). Review all words and phrases the children have learned (estudiante, hola, adiós, maestra/maestro, ¿Cómo te llamas?, Yo me llamo).

First grade - room 103 Indroduction to Chapters 5 - 9 review words/phrases and master our songs.

First grade - room 104 - Review who and What words/phrases; Qué (what), Quién (who),¿Que es? (what is it?), ¿Quién es? (who is it),Es...(its). Show what you know worksheet. Flash card game ask a friend.

Second grade - room 105, Chapter story Ricitos de oro and the three Osos. Kids are grouped in pairs and given strips of paper containing the story in english and spanish. They work together to put the story in order.

Second grade - room 106, Introduction - who and What words/phrases to learn; Qué (what), Quién (who),¿Que es? (what is it?), ¿Quién es? (who is it),Es...(its) Who and What Chant. Knock knock jokes using our new words.

November 22nd - November 26th

¡ Feliz Día de Acción de Gracias! ¡ Que lo pase bien!

(Happy Thanks Giving! Have a good time!)

Kindergarten - (rooms 101 and 102) No class due to Thanks Giving Break.

First grade - room 103 No class due to Thanks Giving Break.

First grade - room 104 - No class due to Thanks Giving Break.

Second grade - room 105, Chapters 5 - 9 review words/phrases and master our songs.

Second grade - room 106, No class due to Thanks Giving Break.

November 15th - November 19th

Kindergarten - (rooms 101 and 102) Señor pavo (Mr. Turkey and his parts) for Día de Acción de Gracias.

First grade - room 103 Review who and What words/phrases; Qué (what), Quién (who),¿Que es? (what is it?), ¿Quién es? (who is it),Es...(its). Show what you know worksheet. Flash card game.

First grade - room 104 - Chapter lesson/Practice your spanish - who and What words/phrases; Qué (what), Quién (who),¿Que es? (what is it?), ¿Quién es? (who is it),Es...(its). Alfabeto toss game with alphabet bean bags

Second grade - room 105, Chapters 5 - 9 review words/phrases and master our songs.

Second grade - room 106, story time - La Cosecha de calabazas (Pumpkin Harvest) book. Kids will complete; En el otoño ( in the fall) build a book.

November 8th - November 12th

Kindergarten - (rooms 101 and 102), no school due to staff development

First grade - room 103 Chapter lesson/Practice your spanish - who and What words/phrases; Qué (what), Quién (who),¿Que es? (what is it?), ¿Quién es? (who is it),Es...(its)...

First grade - room 104 Introduction - who and What words/phrases to learn; Qué (what), Quién (who),¿Que es? (what is it?), ¿Quién es? (who is it),Es...(its) Who and What Chant. Knock knock jokes using our new words.

Second grade - room 105, Review words and phrases: ¿Qué es?, ¿Quién es? and using flash cards of all our vocabulary words. Children will work in pairs for this game. Then a Who and What translate work sheet.

Second grade - room 106, no school due to staff development

November 1st - November 5th

Día De Los Muertos

Kindergarten, First and Second Grade - Day of the Dead, Día De Los Muertos by Marisa Boan. This story is written in english and in spanish with beautiful pictures of the holiday. The children will listen to the story on You Tube and see a short disney video. Then they will visit an actual altar in room 100. Afterwards the children will receive their own paper book explaining the history of Day of the Dead to bring home and share with their family.

October 25th - October 29th

Kindergarten - No classes for both classes, due to parade and classroom Halloween party

First Grade - story time - La Cosecha de calabazas (Pumpkin Harvest) book. Kids will complete; En el otoño ( in the fall) build a book.

Second Grade - Room 105 story time - La Cosecha de calabazas (Pumpkin Harvest) book. Kids will complete; En el otoño ( in the fall) build a book.

Second Grade - Room 106 no classes, due to parade and classroom Halloween party.

October 18th - OCTOBER 22ND

Kindergarten - No classes, no school due to parent teacher conferences

First Grade - No classes, early dismissal due to parent teacher conferences

Second Grade Room 105 - Chapter lesson/Practice your spanish - who and What words/phrases; Qué (what), Quién (who),¿Que es? (what is it?), ¿Quién es? (who is it),Es...(its)... Alfabeto toss game with Alfabeto bean bags.

Second Grade Room106 - No classes, no school due to teacher parent conferences

October 11th - October 15th

Kindergarten - Making Friends. Tortuga and conejo puppet sing along song - Yo me llamo... (My name is...). Review all words and phrases the children have learned (estudiante, hola, adiós, maestra/maestro, ¿Cómo te llamas?, Yo me llamo). Work on Alfabeto necklace (J,K,L,LL,M,N,Ñ,O,P,Q)

First Grade - Finished the last of La casa - la casa (house), la puerta (door), el muro (exterior wall), la ventana (window).

Second Grade - Introduction - who and What words/phrases to learn; Qué (what), Quién (who),¿Que es? (what is it?), ¿Quién es? (who is it),Es...(its) Who and What Chant. Knock knock jokes using our new words.

October 4th - October 8th

Kindergarten - Making Friends. Phrases to Learn; ¿ Cómo te llamas? (Whats your name?) Yo me llamo... (My name is...). Sing the song of the week,"Yo me llamo."

First Grade - Show what you know work sheet about La casa, words to learn - la casa (house), la puerta (door), el muro (exterior wall), la ventana (window). Read a spanish/english story about Otoño (fall)

Second Grade - Show what you know about La casa, words to learn - la casa (house), la puerta (door), el muro (exterior wall), pared (interior wall), la cocina (kitchen), la sala de estar (livingroom), el cuarto (bedroom), el baño (bathrrom). Phrase to learn; Mi casa tiene...(My house has...) Read a spanish/english story about Otoño (fall)

September 27th - October 1st

Kindergarden - Start the alfabeto necklace, A,B,C,CH,D,E,F,G,H,I of the Spanish alphabet. Watch the spanish alphabet video.

First Grade - Continue to work on and review La casa, words to learn - la casa (house), la puerta (door), el muro (exterior wall), la ventana (window). Sing the song of the week,"Build a Casa." Talk about the el and la, that come before our spanish words. Practice worksheet.

Second Grade - Continue to work on and review La casa, words to learn - la casa (house), la puerta (door), el muro (exterior wall), pared (interior wall), la cocina (kitchen), la sala de estar (livingroom), el cuarto (bedroom), el baño (bathrrom). Phrase to learn; Mi casa tiene...(My house has...) Talk about the el and la, that come before our spanish words. Practice worksheet.

Septermber 20th - september 24th

First Grade -La casa, words to learn - la casa (house), la puerta (door), el muro (exterior wall), la ventana (window). Sing the song of the week,"Build a Casa." Talk about the el and la, that come before our spanish words.

Second Grade Room 105 - La casa, words to learn - la casa (house), la puerta (door), el muro (exterior wall), pared (interior wall), la cocina (kitchen), la sala de estar (livingroom), el cuarto (bedroom), el baño (bathrrom). Phrase to learn; Mi casa tiene...(My house has...) Talk about the el and la, that come before our spanish words.

September 13th - September 17th

Kindergarten - Put on a puppet show. The children will cut out the Tortuga and Conejo puppets (marioneta's) Sing the "Where's Tortuga?" song and use our marioneta's to act out as we sing. Work on letters, A,B,C,CH,D,E,F,G,H,I of the Spanish alphabet.

First Grade - Review In the classroom words - la mesa (table), la silla (chair), el lápiz (pencil), el libro (book). Finish Flash cards. Sing, " Silly Sally Chant song and play a flash card game. Spanish alphabet.

Second Grade - Review In the classroom words - la mesa(table), la silla (chair), el lápiz (pencil), el libro (book), la tijera (scissors), la pizarra (blackboard), el escritorio (desk), la mochila (backpack). Sing,"Silly Sally Chant song. Finish flashcards and play a game. Spanish alphabet.

September 7th - September 10th

Kindergarten - Meet Tortuga (turtle) and Conejo (rabbit) through our song, "Where's Tortuga?" Chapter story and "Hola and Adiós game. Spanish alphabet.

First Grade - In the classroom words to learn - la mesa (table), la silla (chair), el lápiz (pencil), el libro (book). Intro to Sit on your silla song. Flash card/worksheet. Spanish alphabet.

Second Grade - In the classroom words to learn - la mesa(table), la silla (chair), el lápiz (pencil), el libro (book), la tijera (scissors), la pizarra (blackboard), el escritorio (desk), la mochila (backpack). Intro to Sit on your silla song. Flash card/worksheet. Spanish alphabet.

August 30th - September 3rd

Kindergarten - Greeting words to learn; hola (hello), adiós (good - bye), el maestro (male teacher), la maestra (female teacher), estudiante (student), los estudiantes (the students). Listen to the,"hola maestra song,' and the Greeting song. Spanish alphabet.

First Grade - Review the words el niño, la niña, el hombre and la mujer. Talk about the squiggly (tilde) line above the ñ. listen to the niño, niña song and draw pictures to help the kids remember the words. Spanish alphabet.

Second Grade - Review the words el niño, la niña, el hombre and la mujer. Talk about the squiggly (tilde) line above the ñ. Play a spelling game with the above words as a group to help the kids remember the words and listen to the niño, niña song. Spanish alphabet.

August 17th - AUGUST 20th

kindergarten - first day of spanish! Introduce myself and have the kids tell me a little about themselves. Talk about classroom expectations and rules.

First grade - Classroom expectations and rules. Review spanish words and phrases taught last school year through the game of tick tac toe.

Second grade - Classroom expectations and rules. Review spanish words and phrases taught last school year through Bingo.

August 23rd - August 27th

Kindergarten - Introduction to the spanish alphabet. The differences and similarities to the english alphabet. We talk about the ch, ll, rr and the ñ letters as well as watch a spanish alphabet video.

First Grade/Second grade- words to learn; el niño (boy), la niña (girl), el hombre (man), la mujer (woman). Emphasizing on the squiggly (tilde) line above the ñ and its purpose. Flash card cutouts for the words and spanish alphabet sheet to practice in class during spanish class.

Irizarry 2021.mp4