Mrs Finlayson

Mrs Finlayson's Reading Groups Week 10

MF1- Alexi, Minh, Harper K, Micah, Jaxson.

MF2- Charlotte , Summer M , Jeron, Ruby, Ryker , Mareca, Adone.

MF3- Ella T , Darcy , Azaria , Chloe , Mikah , Ella S , Oliver.P , Ash.

MF4- Chyeanne, Harry McK , Audrey , Ben HG , Ashlynn , Lilarose, Shakarna.

MF1 Goals: Learning sounds so that they can be joined into words. Talk about what is being read and retell the story.

MF2 Goals: Visulaise the story.

MF3 Goal: Summarise the main points of a text.

MF4 Goal: Evaluate the effectiveness of a text for its purposes And use knowledge of words to find the meaning of unknown words.