
TinnX aims to prove the TNX-1 device (both software and hardware) and business model work to propel research into a viable permanent solution under our nonprofit.

Our vision is to minimize the tinnitus of sufferers globally.


Combatting Tinnitus

Tinnitus is a non-fatal condition, and is seriously overlooked and dismissed as "just part of life". It can be crippling for some, with one meta-analysis study citing that in one cohort, 20.9% of tinnitus patients experience suicidal thoughts compared to 12.2% of non-sufferers.

Long-Term Treatment

We are hopeful that our device will provide a potential long-term relief solution for sufferers of tinnitus without requiring any surgeries or invasive procedures.

Better Alternative

Our device will allow users to be able to go about life as normal, with minimal interruption. While it minimizes the effect of tinnitus, it will also allow other noises to pass through so you can hear all of what you want to hear and none of what you don't.

Wave Modulation

By applying modulated signals through bone conduction, we believe we can change the perception of tinnitus within the sufferer's brain.