Hidden Lake FIRE Lookout

Other trip reports for Hidden Lake Lookout
Sibley Creek Trail June 2008 (early summer conditions)    •    Sibley Creek Approach Dec 2009 (winter conditions, snowshoe)
Category: Washington (HWY 20)  Lookout Elev: 6,890 ft
Date: December 27&28, 2009 (Sun&Mon)Trip Report #: 77Partner: solo

Route: Sibley Creek Approach (winter conditions, snowshoe)

People don't often go up to the Hidden Lake Lookout in the winter. Spending the night surrounded by snow-encrusted Cascades was a unique and beautiful experience. The long night and moonlight was also ideal for some more of my 'Lookout Night Photography'! More below about my overnight adventure capped off by a harrowing drive when a storm dumped snow on the road below where my car was parked.

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