dock butte
Category: Washington (HWY 20)Summit Elev: 5,239 ft
Date: February 25, 2017 (Sat)Trip Report #: 244Partners: Matt Burton, Dave Creeden, Brett Dyson, Eric Johnson, Yana Radenska, Carla Schauble, Will Segall, Monty VanderBilt
Date: February 25, 2017 (Sat)Trip Report #: 244Partners: Matt Burton, Dave Creeden, Brett Dyson, Eric Johnson, Yana Radenska, Carla Schauble, Will Segall, Monty VanderBilt
Route: East side (snowshoe)
Route: East side (snowshoe)
Despite the lack of views, the day was still worth the nine-hour workout in the mountains with a group of friends.
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