Indian Creek CLIMBING
Dates: Sept 2018(x3 days), Nov 2019(x2 days), March 2020(x6 days), Nov 2024(x7 days)Partners: Alex Haeger & Penny (2018), Mike Cichon (2019), Mark Thomas (2020), Alex Haeger & Autumn Priestly (2020), Nate Beckwith (2024), Steve Su (2024)
List of Climbs I've Done and 4 Trip Reports
Photo Trip Reports for
1st Trip to the Creek: 1 weekend and 12 routes (12 routes)
Thanksgiving at the Creek: 2 days of climbing + snowstorm! (14 routes)
Spring Break at the Creek: 6 days of climbing (31 routes)
Thanksgiving at the Creek: 7 days of climbing and Lightning Bolt Cracks (5.11-, 2-4p) (22 routes, 2 hikes, 1 tower)
Indian Creek arguably has the largest concentration of splitter crack climbing in the world. Cracks of all sizes split the towering red sandstone walls everywhere you look. A crack-climber's paradise.
The first time I climbed in Indian Creek was in September 2018, on an impulsive detour on a drive from Montana back to Washington (where I lived at the time), when I got a text from a friend looking for a partner for a weekend in the Creek. 17 extra hours of driving for 2 days of climbing? Plus climb at a time when there is no crowds? It was a no brainer. It was late summer, so the Creek was pretty quiet. But a tad hot too.
The second time I climbed at Indian Creek was over Thanksgiving Break 2019. It was my first fall after moving to Boulder from Washington, and I snatched the first opportunity to make it to the Creek (now much closer than 17 hours drive) for a few days. Unfortunately, an unforecasted snowstorm cut our trip in half, but we still got in two great days of climbing and had the rare opportunity to see the Creek blanketed in snow. It was another Creek teaser trip...
The third time I climbed at Indian Creek was over Spring Break 2020. The trip had a surreal undercurrent to it, due to the coronavirus COVID-19 outbreak that was sweeping over the globe. When I left Boulder, there were a few thousand confirmed cases of COVID-19 in the US, school had just transitioned into online mode, and "social distancing" was quickly becoming the catch phrase. But over the course of the week while I was blissfully climbing splitters in the Creek, the number of confirmed cases in the US bloomed to over 120,000, places all over the country (including back home in Boulder) were issued a "stay-at-home" mandate to try to flatten the epidemic curve, and by the final day of my trip San Juan county (where Indian Creek is located) itself had closed its doors to "leisure activity". Everyday life had changed a lot over the course of the week, but it had been nice to escape for a bit.
The fourth time I climbed at Indian Creek was over Thanksgiving 2024. This was the most "standard" of my trips to the Creek thus far. We arrived a few days ahead of the Thanksgiving crowds, camped in our cars at Creek Pasture, and climbed for the entire week. On rest days I went on a couple of Canyonlands hikes. We capped off our time in the Creek by climbing Lightning Bolt Cracks (5.11-, 3-4p) on North Six Shooter.
On this page, I keep a list of the climbs I've done at Indian Creek. Below the list, I've included trip reports for my four trips to the Creek.
Table of Contents for this page
List of Climbs I've Done at Indian Creek
4 trip reports
Trip reports for 1st and 2nd and 3rd and 4th visits to Indian Creek.
Battle of the Bulge Buttress Cat Wall Critics Choice Donnelly Canyon North Six Shooter Reservoir Wall Scarface Wall Second Meat Wall South Six Shooter Supercrack Buttress The Wall Way Rambo Wall
Trip Report #1 for Indian Creek: 1st trip to the Creek: A weekend and 12 routes (12 routes)
Dates: September 14-16, 2018 (Fri-Sun) Partner: Alex Haeger, Penny Climbed at: Supercrack Buttress, Reservoir Wall, Donnelly CanyonIntro
I was headed back to Washington from a 2-week climbing trip in Montana. Google maps said 12 hours drive from Bozeman to Bellingham. I was just about to start the drive when I got a text from my friend Alex from Boulder: "Headed to the Creek for the weekend, looking for a partner, any chance you are in the area?" I checked Google maps: 29 hours drive from Bozeman to Bellingham via Indian Creek. Hmm....17 additional hours of driving for 2 days of climbing in Indian Creek? It was a no brainer.
Alex and I climbed 12 routes over the course of 2.3 days (we climbed full days Friday and Saturday, and squeezed in a few hours on Sunday morning before Alex left to drive back to Boulder). All but one of the routes we climbed are listed in the "The Best Of" list at the end of the guidebook. Daily high temperatures reached the high 80's, but we woke up early and targeted shady routes, and it was actually quite pleasant. The following gives photos from the routes we climbed.
Area photos
Supercrack Buttress (Sept 14)Random photos from the day....
The Incredible Hand Crack (5.10, 100')
Supercrack ButtressSept 14Lead: Steph+ toprope lap
Coyne Crack (5.11+, 70')
Supercrack ButtressSept 14Lead: Steph+ toprope lap
Bad-Rad Duality (5.10+, 110')
Supercrack ButtressSept 14Lead: Steph+ toprope lap
Area photos
Reservoir WallSept 15Random photos from the day....
Overlook (5.10/5.11, 110'/80', 2p)
Reservoir WallSept 15Lead P1: StephLead P2: Alex
Pente (5.11-, 160')
Reservoir WallSept 15Lead: Steph+ toprope lap
Camping photos
We stayed at Bridger Jack Campground, off Utah State Route 211 in middle of Indian Creek climbing area. Free climber camping.Newspaper Rock
Newspaper Rock, on Utah State Route 211 on way to Indian Creek climbing area.Newspaper Rock State Historic Monument is a Utah state monument featuring a rock panel carved with one of the largest known collections of petroglyphs. From the sign at the monument: "Newspaper Rock is a petroglyph panel etched in sandstone that records approximately 2,000 years of early human activity. Prehistoric peoples, probably from the Archaic, Basketmaker, Fremont, and Pueblo cultures, etched on the rock from B.C. time to A.D. 1300. In historic times, Ute and Navajo people, as well as European Americans, made their contributions. In interpreting the figures on the rock, scholars are undecided as to their meaning or have yet to decipher them. In Navajo, the rock is called "Tse' Hane'" (Rock that tells a story). Unfortunately, we do not know if the figures represent storytelling, doodling, hunting magic, clan symbols, ancient graffiti, or something else. Without a true understanding of the petroglyphs, much is left for individual interpretation. Newspaper Rock is listed in the National Register of Historic Places. Please continue to preserve it."
Trip Report #2 for Indian Creek: Thanksgiving at the Creek: 2 days of climbing + snowstorm! (14 routes)
Dates: November 25&28, 2019 (Mon&Thu) Partner: Mike Cichon Climbed at: The Wall, Battle of the Bulge ButtressIntro
My goal was to spend my first Thanksgiving in Colorado at Indian Creek. And I did. Well, sort of. An unforecasted snowstorm sort of cut our trip in half, but we still got in two great days of climbing and had the unique experience of seeing the Creek blanketed in snow.
I climbed in the Creek with Mike Cichon. I had met Mike at a belay traffic jam on Mickey Mouse Wall at Eldo, where we exchanged contact info after discovering we had several of the same objectives, and few weeks later received an email from him: "I'm looking for a partner—are you interested in climbing in the Creek Thanksgiving week?". Of course I was interested!
Mike and I spent our first day of climbing at The Wall, one of the more popular "new" crags and one of the few areas Mike had not been to yet. The Wall faces south, so it can be a pleasant place to climb in cooler weather, when the sun is out. Also, the Wall has a somewhat longer approach and rougher drive than other areas in the Creek, which Mike and I hoped would mean less crowded. But as luck would have it, a large group of about 20 climbers had also decided to climb up at The Wall that day, so we didn't escape the experience of Thanksgiving crowds at the Creek after all. But despite the rowdy crew monopolizing most of the area's best routes, Mike and I still climbed 7 great pitches.
That night it snowed 5 inches, a pretty abrupt change to the original weather forecasts for the week. So we drove to Moab, where we could hang out for the day. After cragging for a day in Moab and seeing how quickly the snow was sublimating in the dry air, we decided to risk the iffy forecast and return to the Creek to see if we could squeeze in one more day of climbing. And what a day of climbing it was! We climbed at Battle of the Bulge Buttress, which has one of the best concentrations of stellar 5.11 routes in the Creek, along with a very short approach and sunny aspect. Given the wall's popularity along with the climbable weather and the usual crowding during Thanksgiving week, we were (very pleasantly) surprised to be the only ones on the entire wall for the entire day. I guess everyone had vacated during the snowstorm and decided to do the turkey thing after all. It was a unique and magical experience to have some of the Creek's best splitters to ourselves, enjoying the area as it was in the 1970's. It was an ironic juxtaposition with our experience at the much more obscure The Wall just a few days previous, jockeying for position and sanity amongst lycra-clad climbers and barking dogs. Mike and I climbed seven routes, with five of them in the 5.11 range, which made for an awesome day of climbing at the Creek.
The following gives photos from our Creek adventure. Another Creek teaser trip....I'll have to come back for more.
Area photos
The WallNov 25Random photos from the day....
Which One's Pink (5.11-, 100')
The WallNov 25Lead: Mike
Forced Rest Day
Nov 26. We awoke to 5 iniches of snow. No climbing today....Cragging in Moab
Nov 27. We climbed at Wall Street in Moab.Area photos
Battle of the Bulge ButtressNov 28Random photos from the day....
Ruins Crack (5.11, 70')
Battle of the Bulge ButtressNov 28Lead: Mike
Trip Report #3 for Indian Creek: Spring Break at the Creek: 6 days of climbing (31 routes)
Dates: March 22-27, 2020 (Sun-Fri) Partner: Mark Thomas Climbed at: Battle of the Bulge Buttress, South Six Shooter, Way Rambo Wall, Supercrack Buttress, North Six Shooter, Critics Choice Intro
The third time I climbed at Indian Creek was over Spring Break 2020. For the first five days I climbed with my friend and offwidth aficionado Mark Thomas. For the last day, I met up with my friend Alex and his friend Autumn for what was to be two more days of cragging but turned into one pitch due to a freak snowstorm and a notice that San Juan County had been closed to leisure travel.
The trip had a surreal undercurrent to it, due to the coronavirus COVID-19 outbreak that was sweeping over the globe. When I left Boulder, there were a few thousand confirmed cases of COVID-19 in the US, school had just transitioned into online mode, and "social distancing" was quickly becoming the catch phrase. But over the course of the week while I was blissfully climbing splitters in the Creek, the number of confirmed cases in the US bloomed to over 120,000, places all over the country (including back home in Boulder) were issued a "stay-at-home" mandate to try to flatten the epidemic curve, and by the final day of my trip San Juan county (where Indian Creek is located) itself had closed its doors to "leisure activity". Everyday life had changed a lot over the course of the week, but it had been nice to escape for a bit.
Below is a list of routes and photos from my 6 days in the Creek.
Area photos
South Six ShooterMar 23Random photos from the day....
Area photos
Way Rambo WallMar 24Random photos from the day....
Chest Full of Kind (5.10, 45')
Way Rambo WallMar 24Lead: Steph+ toprope lap
Blue Sun aka Fun in the Sun (5.10-, 65')
Way Rambo WallMar 24Lead: Steph
Keyhole Flakes (5.10, 80')
Supercrack ButtressMar 25Lead: Steph
Amaretto Pitch 1 (5.9+, 60')
Supercrack ButtressMar 25Lead: Mark
Area photos
North Six ShooterMar 26Random photos from the day....
Talk Dusty to Me aka South Face, Far Left (5.9+, 1p)
North Six ShooterMar 26Lead: Steph
Area photos
Battle of the Bulge ButtressMar 26Random photos from the day....
Elbow Vices (5.10, 90')
Battle of the Bulge ButtressMar 26Lead: Mark
March 27-28. Weather moved in and we decided climbing was over for the day. I drove up to Canyonlands to check it out. The best part of the afternoon was the stormy skies driving back to Indian Creek. That night a freak snowstorm hit, and a friendly sheriff stopped by with a notice that San Juan county was closed to leisure activity and out-of-state travellers due to the COVID-19 outbreak. Time to head home to Boulder and see what this lock-down is all about....Trip Report #4 for Indian Creek: Thanksgiving at the Creek: 7 days of climbing and Lightning Bolt Cracks (5.11-, 2-4p) (22 routes, 2 hikes, 1 tower)
Dates: November 23 - December 2, 2024 (Sat-Mon) Partner: Nate Beckwith, Steve Su Climbed at: Cat Wall, Scarface Wall, Second Meat Wall, North Six ShooterBest Intro
This was my fourth climbing trip to the Creek. Best trip yet!
Tom Cat (5.10, 90')
Cat WallNov 25Lead: Steph & Nate+ toprope lap
Nov 27We woke up to snow. I decided to check out the nearby Needles district of Canyonlands. I ended up doing the Chesler Park Loop, an 11 mile hike through some pretty cool terrain. According to the park brochure: "During the hike you will descend and ascend in and out of canyons, scramble up and down rock, weave through narrow passages, and walk among rock spires." It was the most entertaining hike I've ever done. The hike description said 5-7 hours, but it took me just under 4 hours.
Some highlights: Snow melting throughout the day, weaving in and out of slickrock canyons, the slot canyon on the Joint Trail section, jogging the short section of 4wd road, filling up my water a Visitor Center, adding one more to my flock.
Quarter of a Man (5.11+, 120')
Battle of the Bulge ButtressNov 29Lead: Steve+ toprope lap
Super Cat of the Desert (5.12, 140')
Cat WallNov 30Lead: Steve
Dec 1Rest day. I decided to do another hike in the nearby Needles district of Canyonlands. I did the Lost Canyon loop, a 9 mile hike through some pretty cool terrain. According to the park brochure: "A great introduction to the landscape of The Needles, connecting two canyons for a loop across varied terrain. The route between the canyons climbs steep grades that are dangerous when wet and may make people with a fear of heights uncomfortable. One ladder must be climbed." It was quite a wonderful hike. The hike description said 4-6 hours, but it took me 3.5 hours.
After the hike I came back to camp and got a lesson on riding Nate's motorbike. I only wiped out once.
Fun rest day.
We chose to come in from the south. To the right are some overlays of this approach from my March 2019 Indian Creek trip report.We made it more fun by taking Nate's motorcycle up the wash to the start of the trail below North Six Shooter. There was a 4th class step early on in the approach but otherwise it was 2nd/3rd and well-cairned.
Camping photos
We stayed at Creek Pasture Campground, off Utah State Route 211 in middle of Indian Creek climbing area. $7.50 a night with Interagency Pass ($15 without pass).