Shelf Road Climbing

Category: Colorado (Canon City area)Elev: ~7,000 ftRock Type: Limestone
Dates: 2019(x3 days), 2020(x5 days), 2021(x5 days), 2022(x20 days)Partners: Brad White, Nate Mankovitch, Natalie Huey, Joe Trabucco, Nate Arganbright
Trip Report #: 375(this trip report number corresponds to the first time I climbed at Shelf Road and established this page on my website)

List of Climbs I've Done & Some Photos

Shelf Road is a limestone sport cragging destination in south central Colorado, just north of Canon City and about 3 hours drive from Boulder. Most of the cliffs are vertical with pocketed limestone. Quality rock, short approaches, year round climbing, and a beautiful setting make this a popular weekend destination. 

The first time I climbed at Shelf Road was in October 2019. I have returned several times in the falls and winters since and have really grown to enjoy the logistical ease of sport climbing and the strength-building nature of the steep limestone pocket-pulling.

On this page, I keep a list of the climbs I've done at Shelf Road. Below the list, I have random photos from cragging at Shelf Road.

list of climbs i've done at SHelf Road

Shelf Road


Some random photos from cragging at Shelf Road.

 Color coded by area:
The Bank     Cactus Cliff     The Dark Side    The Gallery     The Gym / New Gym     The North Gym     Sand Gulch     Spiney Ridge     The Vault

(First Trip to Shelf Road)

Date: October 20, 2019 (Sun)      Partner: Brad White     Climbed at: Cactus Cliff, Spiney Ridge 

Weather was looking a bit cold and windy at any location closer to Boulder, so it was a good opportunity to check out Shelf Road. Fellow math enthusiast Brad and I spent the day cragging on moderates in the sun at Cactus Cliff area. I should title this mini trip report "Finding the bolted cracks at Cactus Cliff" since that's what we seemed to climb the most of. I guess I cannot resist a crack when I see one. Overall, I found the climbing quite engaging and I enjoyed the opportunity to climb on limestone. I'll be back!

1. First route of the day: the bolted crack of Morning Joe (5.9) at Cactus Cliff.
2. Beautiful limestone.
3. A sublime view.
4. We climbed 6 routes in this photo at Cactus Cliff. The climber is on LaCholla Jackson (5.8+), a popular 5.8+ bolted crack. My favorite route here was the 11a splitter on the left wall, called I Claudius (11a).
5. Cactus Cliff Addict (10b) starts up the corner, and I Claudius (11a) climbs the crack to the left.
6. Cactus Cliff Addict (10b) at Cactus Cliff.
7. Brad starting up LaCholla Jackson (5.8+) at Cactus Cliff.
8. Brad on Rocky, You've Met Your Match (10b). Another fun bolted crack at Cactus Cliff..
9. A 20th Century Man (10b) at Spiney Ridge.
10. Brad enjoying a perfect belay seat.
11. Cheers (5.8+) at Spiney Ridge. My radar had led me to another bolted crack.
12. Dam Right I've Got the Moves (5.8+) at Spiney Ridge, a fun moderate with an entertaining name.
13. Pockets and a cockeyed bolt near the crux on Access all Areas (10d) at Spiney Ridge.
14. Hiking out. I'll be back!
Date: December 7&8, 2019 (Sat&Sun)      Partner: Nate Mankovitch    Climbed at: Sand Gulch, The Gallery, The Vault
15. Shelf Road viewscape.
16.  Shelf Road viewscape.
17. Hide N’ Seek (11a/b) at Sand Gulch, Contest Wall.
18. Sand Gulch, Contest Wall.
19. The Gallery, Mural Wall.
20. Block Party (10a) at The Gallery, Mural Wall.
21. Looking down Block Party (10a) at The Gallery, Mural Wall.
22. Nate leading M&M (12a) at The Gallery, Mural Wall.
23. Bolted crack climbing on Protect the King (5.9-), The Gallery, Mural Wall.
24. Anguish and Fear (10a), The Gallery, Mural Wall.
25. Chip Off the 'Ol Block (5.9), The Vault.
26. My Testosterone Poisoned Friend (10a), The Vault.
27. Bolted crack climbing on Tryptophan (10c), The Vault.
28. Cactus Cliff.
29. Looking down Family Jewels (12a/b), The Vault.
30. Nate leading 14 Carets (12b), The Vault.
31. Nate leading Jewel of the Wild (12a), The Vault.
Date: February 8, 2020 (Sat)      Partner: Natalie Huey    Climbed at: Cactus Cliff, Spiney Ridge 
32. Approaching Cactus Cliff after a winter snowstorm.
33. Approaching Cactus Cliff after a winter snowstorm.
34. Approaching Cactus Cliff after a winter snowstorm.
35. Our first route of the day: Raven with Total Recount finish (5.10b) at Cactus Cliff.
36. Natalie belaying in a tank top and flip flops on a winter day at Cactus Cliff.
37. Total Recount (5.10b) at Cactus Cliff.
38. Rappelling from a route at Cactus Cliff.
39. Natalie starting up The Book of Dude-Aronomy (10b/c) at Cactus Cliff.
40. Toxxxic Entertainment (10a), a fun bolted lieback at Spiney Ridge.
41. Definitely don't underestimate the power of the Colorado sun to melt the snow and create a t-shirt day in the middle of the winter.
42. Driving out in the evening light.
Date: February 16, 2020 (Sun)      Partner: Joe Trabucco    Climbed at: The Bank
43. A nice warm-up: Poncho and the Three Perverts (5.8) at The Bank.
44. New Comer (5.9+) at The Bank.
45. Climber leading Shelfish (5.9+) at The Bank.
46. Joe leading up, a popular 10b at The Bank.
47. Beautiful limestone.
48. Climbers squeezing in a couple more pitches in the late afternoon light.
Date: November 26-28, 2020 (Thu-Sat)      Partner: Nate Arganbright    Climbed at: Sand Gulch, The Gallery

Thanksgiving 2020 at Shelf Road! I was recovering from knee surgery and I was expecting to attempt to climb one route, have the knee feel kinda tweaky, and spend the rest of the trip belaying. But over the course of 2.5 days I ended up climbing 16 pitches on toprope, mostly 5.9-5.10 with a few of 5.11's. I was definitely far from top form as I was too cautious to do any weird movement or use small footholds with my right foot. Nice to be back on the rock though!

49. Hiking with a 30lb pack felt fine on my knee.
50. Climbing Black Rib (10a) at Sand Gulch, Contest Wall.
51. Moroccan Roll (10b) at The Gallery, Mural Wall.
52. Moroccan Roll (10b) at The Gallery, Mural Wall.
53. Maximum Security (9+) at Sand Gulch, Freform Walll area.
54. Big Froggy (10b) at Sand Gulch, Contest Wall.
55. Inside the camper Nate had built out.
56. We wanted to see how warm we could get it inside. We gave in when we got it up to 105°F, but probably could have gotten it warmer.
57. The camper.
58. The camper.
59. Not a bad office.
Date: November 19-21, 2021 (Fri-Sun)      Partner: Nate Arganbright      Climbed at: Cactus Cliff, Sand Gulch, The Vault

It had been a year since either Nate or I had been to Shelf, so it was time to return. I took off work on Friday and we enjoyed three days of steep limestone sport climbing in the sun and three nights hanging out in Nate's cozy 10x14 Canvas tent hotel and making dinner, reading, watching episodes of Yellowstone, and munching on peanut butter M&Ms. We climbed over 20 pitches from 5.9-5.11. Hard leading by Nate. Having climbed mostly moderate routes this fall (I was recovering from Covid-19), it felt nice to get pumped and challenged. Quite an enjoyable weekend all around!

60. Forty Two and No Rinkhals (5.9+/10a), The Vault.
61. Funny Money (10b/c), The Vault.
62. Three Quarter Ton (10c), Cactus Cliff.
63. The steep limestone walls at Shelf Road.
64. Crynoid Corner (5.7), Cactus Cliff.
65. Banana Split (9+/10a), Cactus Cliff.
66. The Killer Toupee (10b), Cactus Cliff.
67. Cactus Cliff lit in the afternoon light.
68. Nate's 10x14 canvas hotel.
69. Inside our 10x14 canvas hotel. We later re-arranged to a more efficient interior layout.
70. Inside our 10x14 canvas hotel. We later re-arranged to a more efficient interior layout.
71. Looks quite cozy. I'd be jealous if I were just sleeping in my car (which I have definitely done my fair share of in the past).
72. It was a nice place to spend the long cold evenings. This photo shows are new arrangement of the cots and tables, which was better than our first arrangement.
73. Reading with the warmth of a Buddy propane heater.
74. My dinner: shrimp, cream cheese, poppyseed dressing, and iceberg lettuce. Yum!
75. Tensile Town (5.9), Sand Gulch, Contest Wall.
76. Spike (5.9), Sand Gulch, Contest Wall.
77. Silverado (11b), Sand Gulch, Contest Wall.
78. Afternoon light on Freeform Wall, Sand Gulch.
79. Barney (5.9+), Sand Gulch, Freeform Wall.
80. We saw a lot of small piles of this berry-laden scat on the trails. Coyote or fox?
81. We got a dusting of snow overnight.
82. Snow on the tent wall, as seen from inside the tent.
83. Cold in the morning and in the shade, but t-shirt climbing in the sun!
84. Big Froggy (10b), Sand Gulch, Contest Wall.
85. Big Froggy (10b), Sand Gulch, Contest Wall.
86. Holy Sheath (10c), Sand Gulch, Contest Wall.
87. River of Rabbits (11a), Sand Gulch, Contest Wall.
88. Zia (5.9+/10a), Sand Gulch, Contest Wall.
89. Trick or Treat (11c), Sand Gulch, Contest Wall.
90. A nice spot to hang out at the base of Contest Wall, Sand Gulch.
Date: December 11&12, 2021 (Sat&Sun)      Partner: Nate Arganbright      Climbed at: The Gallery, Sand Gulch

Another fun weekend sport climbing at Shelf Road. For this trip we did more of a smash-n-grab style, driving down early Saturday morning, sleeping in the back of the truck on Saturday night, and doing a mileage day of climbing Saturday and a shorter day of harder routes on Sunday before driving back to Boulder/Estes Park by mid-afternoon. Daytime highs in the 40's and nighttime lows in the teens kept the crowds away, but it was quite pleasant climbing on the sunny rock. 

91. Menses Prow area, The Gallery.
92. Nate leading Menses (5.10d), our second route of the day. The rock was cold but getting warmer.
93. California Pinnacle at Menses Prow area, The Gallery. The route Pueblo Gringo (5.10a) climbs the face that is facing right.
94. Looking up Pueblo Gringos (5.10a), a short but fun climb on the outer face of California Pinnacle at The Gallery.
95. View.
96. Shelf Road is a nice place to hang out on a sunny cold day.
97. Nate starting up Jumbo Pumping Love (5.10d).
98. Big limestone pocket.
99. Fun exposure on Dumb Waiter (5.9+) at Menses Prow area, The Gallery.
100. Enjoying the last bit of afternoon sun. The sun left the base at about 3:30pm and set at 4:40pm.
101. Shadow fun in the last rays of afternoon sun.
102. A nice campfire.
103. Always go camping with a carpenter. Nate brought scraps from some stair stringers that Nate had been building during the preceding week.
104. Nate and I had been enjoying the show Yellowstone. I had downloaded a few episodes to my computer and we watched them warm sleeping bags in the back cab.
105. Morning coffee.
106. Enjoying morning coffee in the front cab as we waited for the sun to warm the rock.
107. Cold mornings! Daytime temperatures in the 40's kept the crowds away, but it was actually quite pleasant climbing on the sunny rock. Shelf Road is a great winter crag.
108. Warm-up of the day on Kia (5.10a) at Sand Gulch, Contest Wall.
109. Nate starting up Monster Man (5.11b) at Sand Gulch, Contest Wall. Nice onsight lead by Nate!
110. Stick-clipping the rather high first bolt You Snooze You Lose (5.11d) at Sand Gulch, Contest Wall.
111. The sustained layback start of You Snooze You Lose (5.11d).
112. Nate enjoying brunch in the sun. The wall lost the sun just before noon, so we headed over to Freeform Wall (mid-morning to afternoon sun) for a few more pitches to finish off the day before driving back to Boulder/Estes Park.
113. Village Idiot (5.11b) at Sand Gulch, Freeform Wall.
114. Good rock and fun pocket-pulling on Pedestrian Gene Pool (5.11a/b) at Sand Gulch, Freeform Wall.
115. Limestone pocket.
116. 66°  by early afternoon 66°. In December!
117. Getting kinda pricy to drive these days, but still quite worth it for a weekend of climbing steep limestone in the sun.
Date: February 5, 2022 (Sat)      Partner: Nate Arganbright      Climbed at: Cactus Cliff 

The forecast at Shelf on Saturday called for highs in the mid 40's, no wind, no clouds, and overnight lows in the teens.  The forecast at home (Boulder/Estes Park) called for 55 mph winds and wind chill as low as -22°F. So it sounded like a good weekend for Shelf Road. Due to the low overnight temperatures and a slight laziness on our part, we decided to get a cheap hotel in Canon City. On Saturday  we climbed 10 pitches at Cactus Cliff. On Sunday we woke up to unexpected snow falling from the sky so we had to head back home. But it was good to get in one day of climbing in the sun in t-shirts.

118. Snowy approach but dry sunny rock.
119. Our first route of the day: Red Eclipse (5.10b) at Cactus Cliff.
120. Amiga (5.9) at Cactus Cliff.
121. Ol Four-Seven (5.9) on left, You Show Me Your Heavy Weapon, I'll Show You Mine (5.7) on right, at Cactus Cliff.
122. Candy For Big Kids (5.10d) at Cactus Cliff.
123. LaCholla Jackson (5.9-) at Cactus Cliff. A classic 5.8+/5.9-.
124. I Lean (5.11a/b) at Cactus Cliff. 3-stars.
125. I Claudius (5.11a/b) at Cactus Cliff. A classic bolted crack.
126. Politically Incorrect (5.10c) at Cactus Cliff.
127. View.
128. Muddy! The snow melted during the day.
129. Climber catching the last rays of afternoon sun.
130. Camping out in the Motel 6.
131. We've become a bit addicted to ginger chews....a few weeks and too much sugar later, I decided to go back to a keto diet...yes to the whiskey no to the ginger chews!
132. We woke up to snow, so decided to drive back home. After a requisite McDonalds stop.
Date: February 26&27, 2022 (Sat&Sun)      Partner: Nate Arganbright      Climbed at:  Cactus Cliff, The Bank, Sand Gulch

It was another weekend where the local crags were cold and dusted in the week's snowfall, but the forecast looked nice at Shelf Road. With the cold overnight temperatures and my need to do some school work in the evening and early morning, Nate and I decided to stay at a cheap hotel in Canon City. We climbed 17 pitches of 5.9-5.11c. The rock was dry and the recent snows cut down the crowds a bit. Another fun weekend of winter cragging!

133. We were the first ones at the parking lot. Probably because of the snow.
134. Snowy approach.
135. Approach.
136. Our first route, Chompin’ At The Cholla (5.9) at Cactus Cliff. Rock was dry and sunny.
137. Fully Equipped (5.9+) at Cactus Cliff.
138. Lizard.
139. We headed to climb at the Piggy Bank at The Bank for the afternoon. There was a friendly piggy on the sign.
140. Nice pocket on (5.10) at The Bank.
141. Looking up Musso Route (5.11a) at The Bank.
142. Nate heading up Lick and a Promise (5.10c) at The Bank, which climbs through a fun slot to a fingercrack.
144. Approaching Contest Wall, Sand Gulch.
145. Getting bombarded with a bit of snow on Gotham City (5.9+) at Contest Wall, Sand Gulch.
147. It Takes A Village (5.9+), an enjoyable route at  Contest Wall, Sand Gulch.
148. A nice sunny spot to belay.
149. Muddy!
150. For our final route of the weekend, we lapped Lime and Punishment (5.11c) at Contest Wall a few times. By his third time up, Nate was making this hard lead look pretty casual.
Date: March 5, 2022 (Sat)      Partner: Nate Arganbright      Climbed at:  The New Gym, Spiney Ridge 

A totally worth it one-day-10-pitch-have-campground-to-ourselves-because-of-forecasted-snowstorm-enjoy-campfire-and-good-dinner-good-nighs-sleep-coffee-at-Starbucks-drive-home-in-snowstorm trip to Shelf.

151. Heading to The New Gym. This is the first time I had climbed here and I thought it was excellent. The area lost its sun by noon though so we moved left to Spiney Ridge to regain sun. We will have to come back to this wall again!
152. Really fun climbing on Ga-Stoned Again (5.9) at The New Gym
153. Nate heading up Shorty Bob (5.10c) at The New Gym.
154. The Raw and the Roasted (5.11b/c) at The New Gym. My favorite route of the day.
155. Nate heading up Green Grenade (5.11b) at Spiney Ridge. We thought this was Tree Trimmer (5.10a) here, and we thought the crux seemed a bit hard for 10a. 11b makes sense!
156. Tractatus (5.11a) at Spiney Ridge. Our 5th 5.11 and last route of the day.
157. Jax. A good crag dog owned by the climbers next to us.
158. Rib-eye steak on a cast iron skillet over the campfire.
159. You'd pay $30 for this in a restaurant.
160. I had shrimp with melted Velveta and a piece of Nate's steak. Keto!
161. We woke up to a forecasted dusting of snow. No climbing today. But the night out camping was worth staying for.
162. Starbucks coffee for me, Burger King bacon-egg-cheese biscuit for Nate.
Date: March 23-25, 2022 (Wed-Fri)      Partner: Nate Arganbright      Climbed at:   The Bank, The Gym, Spiney Ridge, Cactus Cliff   

Nate and I were on a 1-week climbing trip for Spring Break, and on the way back from four days of sandstone splitters in Paradox Valley we stopped at Shelf Road for 2.5 days of climbing on our way back home. 23 routes and about 30 pitches of climbing.

163. Our first warm-up route of the trip: B/C (5.9) at The Bank.
164. Our second warm-up route of the trip: From Russia With Love (5.10a) at The Bank.
165. Nate leading 2150 AD (5.10d) at The Bank.
166. Nate leading Stick It (5.11a) at The Bank.
167. Nate leading Lime Street (5.11b) at The Bank.
168. Looking up Back To The Future (5.11c) at The Bank.
169. Fresca. Refreshing!
170. Our camp.
171. Cooking my dinner on the Little Buddy space heater.
172. Nate's dinner.
173. Morning coffee.
174. This external battery by Jackery is incredibly useful for camping. It comes with a solar panel setup as well.
175. Our first route of Day 2: Crack of Dawn (5.10c) at The Gym.
176. We spotted a fossil en route.
177. Open cold shuts at the top of Trout Fishing (5.10a) at The Gym.
178. Toxxxic Entertainment (5.10a) at Spiney Ridge.
Date: April 23, 2022 (Sat)      Partner: Nate Arganbright      Climbed at: The Bank, The Vault

Blizzard in Estes Park and Boulder, so we headed to Shelf for another fun day of clipping bolts. 13 pitches in one day!

179. Chip off The Ol' Block (5.9) at The Vault, our warm up route for the day.
180. Illusions (5.11a) at The Vault, great rock and great movement.
181. No Rest for the Wicked (5.12ab) at The Bank. Lots of hangs for me to get up this one.
182. Another tasty dinner.
183. No climbing on Sunday....good thing we got in a good day Saturday!
Date: April 29-30 & May 1, 2022 (Fri-Sun)     Partner: Nate Arganbright, Shawn May      Climbed at: The Gallery, Sand Gulch

Another fun 2.5 day trip at Shelf. The camping was about as crowded as I've seen it but somehow we managed to avoid the crowds with our area and route selection. It was fun to hang out with Shawn who showed up halfway through our trip when he texted Nate Saturday morning from Estes Park wondering if he was available to climb.

184. Campground was full so we found free camping.
185. First time either of us had climbed at the Far Side area. We thought it was quite good climbing.
186. Nate's drink selection at the crag.
187. Nate leading Hair Today Gone Tomorrow (5.10d) at The Far Side at The Gallery, our second route of the day.
188. Flakeus Maximus (5.11a) at The Far Side at The Gallery. A great pitch.
189. The face on Three Holes Make A Face (5.10d) at The Far Side at The Gallery. Another great route.
190. Enjoying evening at camp with with Shawn and Nate. Shawn had joined us for half of Saturday and Sunday. Nate is looking a bit guilty about the pre-dinner Fritos.
191. Cairn.
192. Nate Leading Apple Jam Crack (11ab) at Contest Wall at Sand Gulch.
193. Nate Leading Apple Jam Crack (11ab) at Contest Wall at Sand Gulch.
Date: May 5-8, 2022 (Thu-Sun)      Partner: Nate Arganbright      Climbed at: The Bank, The Vault, Cactus Cliff, The Dark Side

Another spring weekend at Shelf getting strong while waiting for mountain weather to cooperate. We drove down Thursday afternoon, and climbed 30 pitches between Thursday evening and Sunday morning before driving back to Estes Park. Lots of 5.11 pitches. After several weekends at Shelf this spring we are feeling pretty strong for the alpine season ahead!

194. My Testosterone Poisoned Friend (5.10a) at The Vault. Our first route of the day. A nice warm-up for a full day of hard climbing.
195. Nate starting up Lats Don't Have Feelings (5.11cd) at Cactus Cliff. I found this route pretty challenging but Nate cruised it. Nice lead Nate.
196. Dihedrus (5.10b) at Cactus Cliff.
197. Nate starting up Muscle Beach (5.11ab) at Cactus Cliff. My favorite route of the day. This was my eleventh pitch of the day so I decided to end on a high note.
198. Nice to be warm!
199. Pleasant camping. And only $3.50 a night with a interagency pass!
200. Dinnertime.
201. My new desert hack - egg wraps with a couple of slices of cheese and some pancake syrup.
202. Nonograms and reading.
203. Nate starting up Teenage Wristband (5.10a), our warm up route for the day at The Dark Side.
204. Good stone on Teenage Wristband (5.10a) at The Dark Side.
205. Our second warm-up route of the day: Lumina (5.9) at The Dark Side.
206. Nate starting up Muted By Reality (5.11b) at The Dark Side. Nice lead Nate!
207. White Dog (5.10a), a fun route at Toasty Corner, The Bank.
Date: November 5, 2022 (Sat)      Partner: Nate Arganbright      Climbed at: The Gym, Cactus Cliff, The Bank

The first significant snow had hit the Front Range on Thursday night, inspiring our first Shelf Road trip of Fall 2022. We had planned to climb both Saturday and Sunday, but on Sunday we woke up to 36°F and cloudy and our fingers made the call to head home. Instead, I crushed some 5.11 autobelays at the Boulder Rock Club.

208. There Goes the Neighborhood (5.10a) at The Gym. A nice warm-up route to start off the day.
209. Paradise Regained (5.10c) at The Gym.Our second warm-up route of the day.
210. Lunch!
211. Senor Verde (5.11a) at The Gym.
212. Whiteman's Burden (5.11c) at Cactus Cliff. Nice onsight Nate!
213. Quasi Quasar (5.10a/b) at Cactus Cliff. A fun bolted crack.
214 Agave (5.10b/c) at Cactus Cliff. Our tenth and last route of the day.
215. A sunny afternoon on the Spiney Ridge area.
216. A typical crowded fall weekend at Shelf.
217. Camp. The canvas tent was for hanging out in the cold mornings and evenings and the Black Diamond tent was for sleeping.
218. Nate's Night 1 dinner: ramen, chicken apple sausage, sugar snap peas, sesame stick, and hot sauce.
219. My Night 1 & Night 2 dinner: maple and brown sugar oatmeal.
220. I think it is a kangaroo.
221. On Sunday we morning we woke up to chilly conditions and decided to drive home. Nate took the opportunity to get a croissant breakfast sandwich at the Burger King in Canon City.
Date: November 19&20, 2022 (Sat&Sun)      Partner: Nate Arganbright      Climbed at: Cactus Cliff, The Bank

Daytime temps in the low 30's but the sun makes all the difference! This weekend trip marked our 17th and 18th days at Shelf Road in 2022. 15 pitches, 5.10b to 5.12b.

222. A chilly camp scene. We were one of two parties camped in the campground Friday night.
223. With overnight low around 6°F, I suppose it's not surprising the campground was nearly deserted!
224. Nate's Friday night dinner: Sweet potatoes, chicken apple sausage, eggs, and hot sauce. We couldn't decide whether this should be called a "scramble" or a "hash".
225. A nice warm breakfast: maple and brown sugar cream of wheat and pieces of bacon jerkey.
226. We spent a few hours in the tent in the morning waiting for the temperatures to rise a bit. I worked a Sudoku....
227. ....and then a nonogram. Notice the Portable Buddy propane heater—this thing is clutch for winter camping.
228. Nate soaking in the first rays of morning light.
229. A sunny morning at camp.
230. Starting the approach.
231. Fresh snow on cactus from the previous day's snowfall.
232. Crimpson Candy (5.10ab) at Cactus Cliff.
233. The wide crack is La Temperature De Shelf (5.10b) and the corner is Half Breed (5.9+). We climbed both. Cactus Cliff.
234. Nate starting up The Reach Around (5.11c). Nice onsight Nate!
235. A pleasant sunny afternoon at Cactus Cliff. Air temperatures were never above the high-30's, but it was still quite pleasant.
236. Puff Daddy (5.11ab) at Cactus Cliff.
237. After being cold in his 0°F sleeping bag on Friday night, just before bed on Saturday night Nate had hot chocolate with a healthy slab of all of his leftover butter. Bulletproof hot cocoa!
238. Approach to The Bank area. Snow on the ground but dry rock.
239. Abu Simbel (5.10b) at The Piggy Bank. A nice juggy and steep warm-up.
240. Season Down Under (5.10b) at The Piggy Bank.
241. Shady Character (5.10a)  at The Piggy Bank.
242. Shady Character (5.10a) at The Piggy Bank. A fun corner climb.
243. Why Left (5.12b) at The Piggy Bank. I didn't put this route on my list because I just pulled on draws through the entire crux section. A difficult route!
244. Sunny day at The Piggy Bank.
245. Burger King stop in Canon City on the drive home after a weekend of climbing. Nate tried the Big Fish and the chicken fries this time.
Date: December 3&4, 2022 (Sat&Sun)      Partner: Nate Arganbright      Climbed at: The Gallery, Sand Gulch

Another fun Shelf weekend: leave Estes Park/Boulder Friday after work to drive down to Shelf Road, camp, climb 10 pitches Saturday, camp, climb 5 pitches Sunday, grab lunch at Burger King and snack at gas station, and drive back to Boulder/Estes Park. This weekend trip marked our 19th and 20th days at Shelf Road in 2022.

246. Lost in Your Ocean (5.10a) at The Gallery.
247. Interesting rock intrusions. Chert perhaps?
248. My new paperweight.
249. Looking up at Mural Wall at The Gallery. We climbed a couple of routes here at the end of the day.
250. A muted day at Shelf Road.
251. Frozen water in the morning.
252. Nate's breakfast: cream of wheat and bacon. Looks tasty.
253. I worked a few Sudokus in the mornings and evenings.
254. Nate's dinner. He always goes to more effort than I do to make dinner when camping.
255. Armistice 5.10c) at Contest Wall at Sand Gulch. We climbed 5 pitches at Contest Wall on Sunday morning before leaving to drive home.
256. Chicken sandwich from Burger King is one of the top choices on the Burger King menu (second to only the Whopper, perhaps).
Date: Month Days, 2024 (Day)     Partner: Nate Arganbright      Climbed at: 

It had been over a year since Nate and I had climbed at Shelf Road. We had climbed there for 20 days in 2022, and not a single day in 2023. So the first weekend in 2024 and coming off a 2-week trip to Cochise Stronghold, it was time to return to Shelf and try to maintain the climbing fitness we had developed in Cochise.

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Date: Month Days, 2023 (Day)     Partner: Nate Arganbright      Climbed at: 


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(October 2019: First time cragging at Shelf Road)