Other climbing adventures in Fern Canyon:
Category: Colorado (RMNP)Elev: ~8,700 ftRock Type: Granite
This page in a conglomeration of four trip reports:


Days of HeavenDate: July 17, 2018 (Tue)Trip Report #: 301Partners: Dow Williams & Tristyn Butler  


Nameless Demons, Center Dihedral, Heavenly DazeDate: May 29, 2020 (Fri)Trip Report #: 413Partner: Will Starks    


The Wasp, Greensleeves, Days of HeavenDate: July 15, 22, & 23, 2020 (Wed, Wed, & Thu)Trip Report #: 435Partner: Nate Arganbright, toprope solo


Center Dihedral, Baptismal Font, Nameless Demons, Heavenly DazeDate: June 29, 2024 (Sat)Trip Report #: 705Partner: Nate Arganbright

7 routes at Rock of Ages:

Rock of Ages is a great objective for a half day of technical quality crack climbing.

Table of Contents for this page


Fern Canyon represents the two miles of terrain between the west end of Morraine Park and the confluence of Fern Creek and Spurce Creek with the Big Thompson River. The Fern Lake Trail wanders up this forested canyon and reveals a fairly impressive line of cliffs to the north. Relatively few climbers visit these crags, instead drawn to the bigger objectives in the area. However, this area is a good place for some sunny low-commitment or earlier-season climbing in RMNP. The most popular zones of climbing are Rock of Ages and The Lost World. This page is for climbs I have done at Rock of Ages, an area of rock sitting high on the slope above Arch Rocks Campsite. I have another page for The Lost World.

Route Overlays

Overlays for the routes I have climbed at Rock of Ages. Photos of these routes are given in the trip reports on this page.

Lower Cliff.
Lower Cliff.
Lower Cliff.
Upper Cliff.

Trip Report #1: Days of Heaven (5.10d, 3p)  (July 2018)


Dow had arrived in the Estes Park area the evening before, so to kick off our trip together, we climbed the route Days of Heaven on Rock of Ages. Dow's friend Tristan joined us as well for a team of three.

Rock of Ages is a 200-foot granite wall in Rocky Mountain National Park, with a lower elevation and shorter approach than peaks further into the park. This area is a good choice for a half day or a day with possible thundershowers, or when you want to crag on a harder (5.10 or higher) route, or both. Days of Heaven — which climbs the left side of the main buttress of Rock of Ages — is perhaps the best route in the area, featuring clean splitter cracks from fingers to hands, with some wild 5.10 moves to access these cracks. 

I led the first pitch, while Dow led pitches 2 and 3 as a single pitch, and Tristan enjoyed the opportunity to follow the route. The first few moves of Pitch 1 pulling over the bulge are rather committing, but on cool juggy features. Pitch 2 is a very technical pitch, involving some face climbing and hand traversing. Pitch 3 is the money pitch of the route, up an obvious vertical splitter to the top. The pitch ratings seemed a bit off to us. Pitch 3 (10d) is the supposed crux pitch of the route, but actually seemed to be the most straightforward climbing, with great jams and locks; to me, Pitch 3 felt easier than Pitch 1 (10a), which had some committing and more insecure moves. Pitch 2 (10c) was definitely the hardest pitch for us, as it felt significantly more technical and tricky than any other section of the route — specifically, the step left at the end of the hand traverse was the crux move of the route for each of us. 

Even though only 200 feet long, Days of Heaven was a satisfying objective for the day (plus, it began to thunder and spit droplets of rain just as we topped out, a sign that it was time to head out). This page gives a route overlay and some photos from the climb.

In July 2020, I climbed Days of Heaven for a second time, this time via toprope solo. I had been on the upper cliff toprope soloing The Wasp. The top of Days of Heaven on the lower cliff is easy to access from the base of the upper cliff, so I decided to fix a rope on the tree above Days of Heaven and run a lap on Days of Heaven before hiking out. With a single 70 and a handful of directional placements, I was able to do the entire route as one long pitch from the ground. Because of the way the rope was hanging, I climbed the steep 11c/12a fingercrack of Pitch 2 of Celestial Gate which starts at the top of Pitch 1 of Days of Heaven and rejoins Days of Heaven halfway through Pitch 2. Fun!

Photos for DAYS OF HEAVEN (5.10d, 3p)


From the Fern Lake Trailhead, hike for a little over a mile, and just past the house-sized boulders on the trail, scramble up a talus field to the base of the route. About 1 hour.
(other trip reports on this page might have more photos of the approach)
Hiking the road to the Fern Lake Trailhead (no parking spots left, on a Tuesday too!).
Hiking along the trail. It is flat and goes quick.
House-sized boulder on the trail. Just after this, turn right and scramble up a talus field to the base of the route.
The talus field. Days of Heaven climbs the left side of the rock outcrops above.
Looking up Days of Heaven from the base.

Pitch 1

5.10a, 80'. From the top of a large detached block, pull some committing moves over the roof and climb the left-angling grove to a large ledge.
Climb the groove on the right. The ramp on the left leads to a crack that peters out on a steep face....
Dow arriving at the ledge. I belayed at the far left side of the ledge because I could not find great gear placements (with the cams I had left at least) at the top of Pitch 1, but I did find great gear placements on the left end of the ledge. Ideally, one should belay were Dow is in the photo.

Pitch 2

5.10c, 70'. Face climb up, hand traverse left along a flake, make a wild and difficult move left to switch cracks, and climb the crack to a stance below the obvious hand-sized splitter. Continue on or set a belay.
Dow doing the hand traverse on Pitch 2.
The hand traverse section on Pitch 2.
The wild and difficult move left to switch cracks. This was the crux of the route for us.

Pitch 3

5.10d, 50'. Jam the spectacular tapering hand crack to the top of the face.
The Pitch 3 splitter.


Rap from top of Heavenly Daze with a single 70.
(the Nameless Demons trip report on this page has more photos of the descent)
Rap anchor at the top of Heavenly Daze. A belay might be nice to get to these anchors (see photo from 2020 trip report.)

For more excellent beta from this climb, see Dow's summitpost page for Days of Heaven.

Trip Report #2: Nameless Demons (5.10b, 2p), Center Dihedral (5.10c/d, 2p), Heavenly Daze (5.12b, 1p)  (May 2020)


When I climbed Days of Heaven in Summer 2018, it was during a road trip to Colorado that was supposed to be for one week and turned into a month when I discovered it difficult to leave. It was on that trip that I decided to move to Colorado. So when I finally returned to Rock of Ages in May 2020, it was a mere hour's drive from my doorstep in Boulder to the trailhead. As another interesting tie-in to my momentous 2018 trip, on this second trip to Rock of Ages, I climbed with Will Starks, who I had met and climbed with on my 2018 road trip and had now become one of my regular climbing partners.

Will and I climbed three routes. First we climbed Nameless Demons, which climbs the large, left facing dihedral just left of Days of Heaven. Super fun and punchy climbing on great rock. Next we moved rightward a couple of hundred feet to Center Dihedral, which climbs the obvious right-facing dihedral that splits the upper wall just right of Days of Heaven. This was a bit mungy, but I thought it was a good route with some engaging heads up climbing. Last, we toproped Heavenly Daze, since this steep and sustained edgy 12b had intrigued us every time we rapped down it on the rappel descent. After climbing this in the hot sun, we were satisfied with the day and hiked out.

The following gives photos from each of the climbs.

Photos for NAMELESS DEMONS (5.10b, 2p)

Also see photos from Nameless Demons in June 2024 later on this page.


Same general approach as for Days of Heaven. The route is in the amphitheater just left of Days of Heaven.
(other trip reports on this page might have more photos of the approach)
This was the third day that Rocky Mountain National Park had been open to the public since its closure due to the Covid-19 pandemic.
Look at that awesome finger splitter just minutes from the parking lot!
Couldn't resist the photo op.
Some pretty purple buds on an evergreen.

Pitch 1:

5.10b, 70'. Climb the left-facing corner to a bulge. Belly flop onto a shallow slab. Recompose yourself and build a belay.
Steph leading Pitch 1. Photo by Will.
Looking up Pitch 1.
Steph executing the belly-flop near the end of the pitch.  Photo by Will.
Will following the pitch.
Will executing the belly-flop.

Pitch 2:

5.10b, 60'. Continue up the corner. The crux moves are just above the belay. 
Looking up Pitch 2.
Will starting up Pitch 2.


Rap from top of Heavenly Daze with a single 70.
(the Days of Heaven trip report on this page has more photos of the descent)
Hmm.....a belay might be nice to get to those rap anchors....
Rappelling Heavenly Daze. We toproped this as our last route of the day.
The view up Fern Canyon. Not too shabby.

Photos for CENTER DIHEDRAL (5.10c/d, 2p)

Also see photos from Central Dihedral in June 2024 later on this page.


The route is just right of Days of Heaven. Begin from the top of the big detached flake beneath an obtuse left-facing dihedral with an obvious jug at the bottom.
(other trip reports on this page might have more photos of the approach)
Looking up from near the base of the route. The second pitch is the obvious corner.

Pitch 1:

5.10a, 80'. Grab the jug, surmount the roof (crux), and proceed up a thin face crack to the base of the main dihedral.
The thin face crack on Pitch 1. Small cams and nuts are nice here.

Pitch 2:

5.10c/d, 70-120'. Climb the dihedral. At its top, choose either the left or the right exit. The dihedral is rather steep and sustained. RPs (which we did not have) and a #4 (which we did have) are nice to have.
Looking up the corner of Pitch 2. Photo by Will.
Steph leading Pitch 2. Photo by Will.
The left exit at the top of the corner. This way looked more protectable than the right exit, so I went this way. It was pretty fun climbing.


Rap from top of Heavenly Daze with a single 70.
(see photos from Nameless Demons and Days of Heaven

Other phtoos:

The Upper Cliff is not far from the top of the routes on the Lower Cliff, so we walked up a bit to check it out. There are some 4-star routes up here, but they are all pretty hard (the easiest is 12b and the hardest that has been put up is 13c). 
The Upper Cliff. This has routes like Greensleeves (12b), Pitch Perfect (13a), The Wasp (12d), Telekinesis (13c), and Brain Step (13c).
The view down Fern Canyon. 

Photos for HEAVENLY DAZE (5.12b, 1p)

Also see photos from Heavenly Daze in June 2024 later on this page.


The route is located immediately left of the Nameless Demons dihedral and the anchor at the top is the standard rappel for descending from the formation. So its an easy one to toprope.
(other trip reports on this page might have more photos of the approach)
(no photos)

The route:

5.12b, 110'. Steep and sustained with incut edges and a crux between the fifth and six bolts.
Toproping Heavenly Daze.
A glued-in stopper on Heavenly Daze. This route would be a heady lead, so take all that you can get!


Rap from top of Heavenly Daze with a single 70.
(see photos from Nameless Demons and Days of Heaven

Trip Report #3: The Wasp (5.12d, 1p), Greensleeves (5.12b, 1p) , Days of Heaven (5.10d, 3p)  (July 2020)


Nate and I had gotten into the pattern of 2-3 alpine days a week plus a couple of days of hard cragging between. The Wasp (once 13a and now downgraded to 12d) on the Upper Cliff of Rock of Ages was a perfect objective. The Wasp climbs a zig-zagging crack system up the steep face, and is a candidate for the best single-pitch route at its grade in the state. It is trad and takes pretty good gear, and would be a proud lead. We toproped the Wasp, each doing a few laps. We returned a week later in the early morning before work to do a couple of more laps. I returned the next day alone to do a few more laps via toprope solo. We plan to return again, since Nate plans to lead it soon and I am still working on getting the whole thing on toprope without hangs.

We also toproped Greensleeves, a bolted face on the left side of the wall. It stats with an easy finger crack, and then launches into sustained crimping with no rests. Although rated 12b, it felt harder than The Wasp to me.

The following gives just a couple of photos from each of the climbs. 

Photos for THE WASP (5.12d, 1p) and GREENSLEEVES (5.12b, 1p)


This route is on the Upper Cliff. Leave trail as per Days of Heaven but head up past the lower cliff on the right to get to the upper cliff. 
(other trip reports on this page might have more photos of the approach)
(no pohtos)
THE WASP:5.12d, 100'. 
Looking up at the route.
Nate taking a lap.
GREENSLEEVES:5.12b, 100'. 
The rope is hanging on the route.


For either route, rappel from fixed anchor at top of route.
(no pohtos)

Trip Report #4: Center Dihedral (5.10c/d, 2p), Baptismal Font (5.11c, 1p), Nameless Demons (5.10b, 2p), Heavenly Daze (5.12b, 1p) (June 2024)


It was finally summer and time to start climbing in RMNP. Rock of Ages is a good early summer location. Nate and I spent the day here climbing four routes for a total of six quality pitches. Fun in the sun!

The following gives some photos from each of the climbs. 

Photos for CENTER DIHEDRAL (5.10c/d, 2p)

Also see photos from Central Dihedral in May 2020 earlier on this page.


The route is just right of Days of Heaven. Begin from the top of the big detached flake beneath an obtuse left-facing dihedral with an obvious jug at the bottom.
(other trip reports on this page might have more photos of the approach)
From Covid in 2020 to burned out stump holes and unstable dead trees in 2024.
Burned trees from the East Troublesome Fire of fall 2020.
Trail counter.
Approach to Rock of Ages.
The dead snag marks the spot where you scramble up to the start of Center Dihedral.

Pitch 1:

5.10a, 80'. Grab the jug, surmount the roof (crux), and proceed up a thin face crack to the base of the main dihedral.
The route starts with a bouldery move, but it is well-protected with a #3 or #2. The Rossiter guide shows that the start is further to the right but seems to describe this as the start. It did feel a bit hard for 10a.
Higher up on Pitch 1.
Nate following Pitch 1.

Pitch 2:

5.10c/d, 70-120'. Climb the dihedral. At its top, choose either the left or the right exit. The dihedral is rather steep and sustained. RPs (which we did not have) and a #4 (which we did have) are nice to have.
Pitch 2 corner. I led this pitch as well.
I belayed off a tree at the top of the route.


Rap from top of Heavenly Daze with a single 70.
(see photos from Nameless Demons and Days of Heaven

Photos for BAPTISMAL FONT (5.11c, 1p)


Same general approach as for Days of Heaven. The route is on a short east-facing wall on the left side of the amphitheater left of Nameless Demons and Heavenly Daze.
(other trip reports on this page might have more photos of the approach)
(no photos)

Pitch 1:

5.11c, 80'. Jam a finger crack in green rock to a fixed anchor.
The finger crack.


Rap from one of the bolts at the top of the route. 
A pin and a bolt make a nice fixed anchor at the top of the route (cordelette was ours).

Photos for NAMELESS DEMONS (5.10b, 2p)

Also see photos from Nameless Demons in May 2020 earlier on this page.


Same general approach as for Days of Heaven. The route is in the amphitheater just left of Days of Heaven.
(other trip reports on this page might have more photos of the approach)
(no photos)

Pitch 1:

5.10b, 70'. Climb the left-facing corner to a bulge. Belly flop onto a shallow slab. Recompose yourself and build a belay.
Nate leading Pitch 1.
Fun corner on Pitch 1.

Pitch 2:

5.10b, 60'. Continue up the corner. The crux moves are just above the belay. 
Looking up Pitch 2. More fun corner climbing ahead.


Rap from top of Heavenly Daze with a single 70.
(the Days of Heaven and other Nameless Demons trip reports on this page has more photos of the descent)
Beware of the field of death blocks at the top of Nameless Demons topout. This route could use an anchor to avoid dragging the rope and belaying over the blocks.

Photos for HEAVENLY DAZE (5.12b, 1p)

Also see photos from Heavenly Daze in May 2020 earlier on this page.


The route is located immediately left of the Nameless Demons dihedral and the anchor at the top is the standard rappel for descending from the formation. So its an easy one to toprope.
(other trip reports on this page might have more photos of the approach)
(no photos)

The route:

5.12b, 110'. Steep and sustained with incut edges and a crux between the fifth and six bolts.
Toproping Heavenly Daze.


Rap from top of Heavenly Daze with a single 70.
(see photos from Nameless Demons and Days of Heaven

Other Photos from the day

Climbers on Days of Heaven. This was actually my friend and old climbing partner from Washington John Plotz and his partner Chris. I had not seen John since I moved in 2019. Imagine running into him at Rock of Ages!
View up Fern Canyon.
Shooting Star.
Artistic Harebell.

previous and next adventures

(Days of Heaven, July 2018)
(Nameless Demons + Center Dihedral + Heavenly Daze, May 2020)
(The Wasp + Greensleeves, July 2020)
(Center Dihedral + Baptismal Font + Nameless Demons + Heavenly Daze, June 2024)