Category: Colorado (Fort Collins area)Elev: ~8,300 ftRock Type: Granite
Dates: May 2024(x1 day)Partner: Nate Arganbright
Trip Report #: 689(this trip report number corresponds to the first time I climbed at Red Feather Lakes and established this page on my website)

List of Climbs I've Done & Some Photos

The Red Feather Lakes area west of Fort Collins is known for pristine lakes and granite domes. Fishing, hunting, hiking, horseback riding, and mountain biking are the most common forms of recreation. Climbers have been exploring the Red Feather Lakes region since the mid-'70s. The area has a variety of bouldering, trad, and bolt-protected routes. In November of 2022, Bennett Scott/Fixed Pin released the first comprehensive guidebook to the area. Intrigued about the area, I purchased one.

The first (and only so far) time I climbed at Red Feather Lakes was in spring 2024. We had a decent day, but were getting oriented with the area, and feel as if I need to come back to get a better impression of what the area has to offer. Camping opportunities seem good.

On this page, I keep a list of the climbs I've done in the Red Feather Lakes area. Below the list, I have random photos from cragging in the Red Feather Lakes area.

list of climbs i've done in the Red Feather Lakes area

Red Feather Lakes


Some random photos from cragging in the Red Feather Lakes area.

Color coded by area:
Swallow Crags

(First trip to Red Feather Lakes)

Date: May 4, 2024 (Sat)      Partner: Nate Arganbright     Climbed at: Swallow Crags (Little Swallow Crag, Luigi's Mansion) 

We had planned to climb at Lumpy Ridge, but woke up to low-hanging clouds and temperatures in the mid-30's. So we decided to take the opportunity to check out Red Feather Lakes area. We climbed for a midday few hours at Swallow Crags. The rock was good, but the climbing was a tad akward/stout at times (probably just due to our unfamiliarity with the style of the area).

1. Approach to Swallow Crags.
2. Swallow Crags.
3. A fixed rope getting up to Upper Swallow Crag.
4. Our first route of the day: New Chautaqua (5.8) at Upper Swallow Crag. The route goes straight up past the wedged block in the chimney above. Nate didn't like the wedged block, so he ended up bailing off a couple of nuts. Not a great start to the day.
5. K-Crack (5.8) and Fork off (5.9) at Little Swallow Cliff. These two cracks were fun and stout for the grade.
6. Yoshi (5.9) at Luigi's Mansion. A short and fun sport climb.
7. Mario (5.10a) at Luigi's Mansion. A short sport climb a bit stouter than Yoshi.
8. Nate toproping Luigi (5.11b) at Luigi's Mansion.  
9. Pretty pasque flowers.

previous and next adventures

(May 2024: First time cragging at Red Feather Lakes)