Category: Colorado (Ft. Collins area)Elev: ~6,000 ftRock Type: Granite, Gneiss, Schist
Dates: Sept 2022(x1 day)Partner: Nate Arganbright
Trip Report #: 584(this trip report number corresponds to the first time I climbed at Poudre Canyon and established this page on my website)

List of Climbs I've Done & Some Photos

Poudre Canyon lies up CO Highway 14, just north of Fort Collins. The rock is made up of granite, gneiss, and schist. Roadside lines are mostly sport or mixed routes, but there are some quality trad lines as well. 

The first time I climbed at Poudre Canyon was in September 2022, on a 1-night, 1-day trip to check the area out.

On this page, I keep a list of the climbs I've done at Poudre Canyon. Below the list, I have random photos from cragging at Poudre Canyon.

list of climbs i've done at POUDRE CANYON

Poudre Canyon


Some random photos from cragging at Poudre Canyon.

Color coded by area:
The Narrows

(First trip to Poudre Canyon)

Date: September 17, 2022 (Sat)      Partner: Nate Arganbright     Climbed at: The Narrows (Eden Area & Snake Eyes Wall) 

A fun one-night, one-day trip to check out the Poudre Canyon. Weather was quite splitter for Sunday, so we decided to take advantage of that and climb at Lumpy Ridge on Sunday rather than stay another day at Poudre Canyon. We thought the cragging and camping in the Poudre is worth returning for, plus it is only an hour and a half from Estes Park, so we will be back! 

1. The road through Poudre Canyon. Several of the crags are right along the road.
2. Looking up East of Eden (5.9+, trad) at Eden Area in The Narrows. This is a popular fully-trad corner route.
3. East of Eden (5.9+, trad) at Eden Area in The Narrows.
4. We next toproped Sin (5.10d, sport) at Eden Area in The Narrows.
5. Roadside cragging at at Eden Area in The Narrows.
6. This gauge seems to measure the rate of spread of a crack.
7. Nate leading Delicious Demon (5.11b, sport) at Snake Eyes Wall in The Narrows.
8. The Rung (5.10c, sport). A fun juggy route we both led. At Snake Eyes Wall in The Narrows.
9. The Stung (5.10b, sport). Another fun route we both led. At Snake Eyes Wall in The Narrows.
10. Pleasant campground camping in Poudre Canyon. $12.50 a night if you have an interagency parks pass.
11. Enjoying books and campfire.
12. Nate's dinner: cast-iron pizza. Yum.
Date: Month Day, Year     Partner: xxx      Climbed at: xxx
13. xxx
14. xxx
15. xxx
16. xxx

previous and next adventures

(September 2022: First time cragging at Poudre Canyon)