Performance park CLIMBING

Category: Colorado (Estes Park area)Elev: ~7,500 ftRock Type: Granite
Dates: Feb 2021(x1 day); March 2022(x1 day), 2024(x2 days)Partner: Nate Arganbright
Trip Report #: 456.5(this trip report number corresponds to the first time I climbed at Performance Park; I established this page a couple of years after I first climbed there so added it between trip reports 456 and 457 to keep the correct timeline)

List of Climbs I've Done & Some Photos

On the main street of Estes Park is a small park/amphitheater called Performance Park. The backdrop to the amphitheater is a small cliff. The Town of Estes Park opened the cliff to public climbing in 2017. The cliff has about a dozen or so sport routes. The overall rock quality is good. The climbs are short, at about 30-60 feet. Due to the accessibility and location of this cliff, as well as the easy grades, it is a popular destination.

Although I live in Estes Park about 5 minutes walk from Performance Park, to date I have only climbed there a few times. I guess my eventual goal is to climb every route there. Seems like that should be easy to do but somehow its been a few years and I still have a few I have not climbed.

On this page, I keep a list of the climbs I've done at Performance Park. Below the list, I have random photos from cragging at Performance Park.

list of climbs i've done at Performance Park

Performance Park


Some random photos from cragging at Performance Park.

Color coded by area:
River Wall    Amphitheater Wall 

(First time climbing at Performance Park)

Date: February 2, 2021 (Tue)     Partner: Nate Arganbright     Climbed at: River Wall, Amphitheater Wall 

Four pitches on a sunny winter day.

1. The cliff.
2. The cliff.
Date: March 12, 2022 (Sat)      Partner: Nate Arganbright     Climbed at: River Wall

Three 5.9-5.10+ pitches on a sunny winter day.

3. Nate starting up Leyechen (5.9).
4. Mr. Toad's Wild Ride (5.9).
5. Brother Bear (5.10d).
Date: May 23, 2024 (Thu)      Partner: Nate Arganbright     Climbed at: River Wall

Four 5.9-5.10+ pitches midweek afterwork cragging.

6. At the base. Rope on Mr. Toad's Wild Ride (5.9).
7. Nate leading Bare Necessities (5.10+).
Date: May 24, 2024 (Fri    Partner: Nate Arganbright     Climbed at: River Wall, Amphitheater Wall 

Three 5.10-5.11 pitches midweek afterwork cragging.

8. Nate leading Pin Me (5.10d).

previous and next adventures

(February 2021: First time cragging at Performance Park)